Deadly Star (e-Book)


Series – Shattered Stars book 13
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Nova has reinvented herself after surviving two years in the devastation of her dying world, but she didn’t count on being a match for an intergalactic overseer. Relationship goals.

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Nova stumbled to her own rescue and spent weeks in rehab learning to move again. She studied every minute of every day and learned to fly anything she could find a simulator for. The next time she was in a life-and-death situation, she would be able to fly to safety. The education station pronounced her suitable for a Hmrain and shipped her off to meet him. She meets some other women who are being bonded to the same world, but before she can settle in to meet them, the transport is under attack.

The ship’s crew is excellent at defense, but there is one person who happened to train as the centre for the battle formation and activate a deadly weapon by becoming the centre. She has to convince her keeper that she’s allowed to go into battle, and once there, she has the time of her life.

Lily nearly died minutes before escaping from Earth. While she is destined for a life as an administrator at a colony, her fate takes a sharp turn when her body sends out a signal, and from across the stars, someone answers.

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Title – Deadly Star
Series – Shattered Stars
Book – 13
ISBN – 978-1-990635-30-4
Author – Viola Grace


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