My Date Is a Wild Yeti (e-Book)


Series – Blind Date Corporation book 13
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Amadine has wanted to pay her sister back for the ultimate kindness, and this was the only way she could do it. She just needs a medic, a guardian, and a wilderness expert. Good thing that she can hire one from the BDC.

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Amadine Heckler hasn’t had the most predictable life, but it has been short. When she turned five, she was the size of her genetic donor, and she looked into sad, steel eyes through the sides of the tank she had grown in.

Ondine was still heavily damaged, but she had refused to take over the body that had been grown for her when she realized that a mind already occupied it. Amadine was educated, dressed, housed, and given employment counselling. She became a children’s author, and when she was six, her activation came online.

She shared her sister’s quiet home and had friends who didn’t know who her sibling was. She thought long and hard about what to give Ondine for the life and freedom she had surrendered. She had no idea that Ondine was thinking the same thing.

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Title – My Date Is a Wild Yeti

Series – Blind Date Corporation
Book – 13
ISBN – 978-1-990635-32-8
Author – Viola Grace


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