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    (Book 1 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb, .epub Hannah wants nothing more than to pay off her bond and live free, but her patron has other ideas and centuries to keep her. Body and soul.
    Read MoreAfter a planet-killing asteroid, humanity has to huddle under shelters and live in the dimmest of places. A year of brutal survival and the breakdown of society leave Hannah less than hopeful of her prospects in the new world. A message in the darkness offers a lifeline to those who wish to leave Earth to be bonded servants to alien masters. For most, the price of their bond will be labour, but for Hannah, it turns into something else. With a stunningly high sensuality rating, she is a prime sexual bondservant and the bidding for her services ends with an amount that breaks records. Her patron is a male with wings who belongs to a species that does more than need sex; they consume it. Mero only needs to look at her, and he is hungrier than he has ever been.
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    (Book 2 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Living as human prey beneath the earth, Fiona knew that anything would be better than the life that stretched ahead. The stars made an offer and she took it.
    Read MoreUsed as a sexual trading card between the rich and powerful survivors of the lethal impact has left Fiona with an urge for change. She needs out and the offer from an alien race to be a bondservant until she paid out her transport and training is an offer she wants to take them up on. Once on the education base she gets the help she needs to feel something again, and that training is going to come in useful when her test results come back and place her in an elite group of humans who can be of use to the Hmrain. Aarak has just learned about the humans from his sibling, and as he was in the area, he decided to see if another human could be found with the high sensuality rating that his people needed to feed. He wasn’t thinking of his people, he was thinking of securing a long-term bond mate that would serve him as he needed it. He could never have anticipated the wounded woman with the heart of gold who brought up instincts he never knew he had.
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    (Book 3 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A stranger walks through the woods and offers to take her from her broken world. Hell yes. With conditions.
    Read MoreWith the asteroid looming, she makes a run for a family farm and the animals therein. After the crash with communications cut off, she lives a routine of subsistence and survival with no other soul to speak to. When a stranger walks up to her, silver skin and black hair, he introduces himself and offers her a way out. Life in the stars with him. She counters that her animals have to come as well. There is some negotiation, and he agrees to send her a tutor so that this is all done legally. Then, he flies away. To her surprise, her hallucination was as good as his word, and she is swept into a world of etiquette, manners, and languages. Her life in the stars has a specific pattern. She is a body servant, a bondservant, a companion, and a mistress, but she has to do it all with the same haircut. Tricky stuff.
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    (Book 4 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb She would do anything to survive, including getting herself damaged and off the companion list. A Hmrain finds her in an unlikely place for an unlikely partnership.
    Read MoreAthena made it to a pickup point, past the physical, and up to the education station. Her training was difficult, but when she found out she was a likely candidate for companionship to a Hmrain, she took drastic action. Being disfigured was the one situation that the station would accept to lower her classification and position her in the bulk-purchase category. Her bond would be purchased as part of a group acquisition, and she would be able to earn out her price on some alien world before she swept out to travel the stars, working as she went. With her goal in mind, she put herself in the path of the most toxic creature on the station, and she ticked it off. The resulting scar across her face did the job. She was out. It was just her luck that when she was on her new planet, she was very good at her job. Her team comes to the attention of the Hmrain overseer, and her planning has come to naught.
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    (Book 5 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Led by her dreams, she finds her way into the stars where fate conspires to put her exactly where she needs to be, in a hero’s path.
    Read MoreWhen her parents died, Lyra was untethered. She left school, followed her dreams, and focused on keeping herself alive. She is not a fan of people and enjoys being alone. After the asteroid hit, she spends sometime surviving and the rest looking for one of the evacuation posts. She finds it and agrees to the caveat that she will be given a job placement that suits her skills. Across the stars, she works as a security unit pilot, steering a large, heavy bot around and keeping watch over a rehab hospital for superheroes. As a hazing ritual, a few of the guardians sneak out to try and unmask the new security unit, so when confronted with a handsome man landing on her chest, she does what any girl would do. She shoots him in the face and then has to deal with the fallout of stunning the overseer’s only son. It isn’t love at first sight, but weeks later, when she is enjoying a day off, they collide under far more romantic circumstances, and their unorthodox courtship continues.
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    (Book 6 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Life as a caretaker was her fate. Crashing on an alien world and being given an ultimatum gave her something she didn’t expect, a lover who had her back. She takes a chance and is swept away.
    Read More Nan has spent her life making a place for herself by taking care of those around her. Holding onto the controls of a falling shuttle with the unconscious pilot next to her, she began to regret some of her impulses. After the asteroid, she had gathered up close to two dozen kids who had been touring the same national park that she had, and she had tried to bring them home. When their city was found to be a collapsed crater filled with water, she has to take them on the road and try and keep them alive until she can find a settlement to take them. Eventually, the call came out for the evacuation under the contract circumstances. The kids were exempt from the contract, and as caretaker, so was Nan. That exemption holds until they are on their way to the world Abix. There is a meteor shower, a wounded pilot, and Nan manages to take the controls, leaving a scar on the landscape in a restricted area. She feels bad, but when the overseer of Abix comes in through the shuttle front screen and gives her an ultimatum, she feels nervous and a weird tension. If they make it out of the restricted area in time, everything will just resume the normal plan. There is one thing about the overseer. When he sets a timeline, he cheats. She has no chance.
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    (Book 8 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped from the education station, Sil is set loose on a huge warship, only to find herself bound in a contract no one expected.
    Read MoreSilhouette watches the alien abductors trying to unload the entire shipment of stolen Terrans. She wished that she could sleep standing up, but it wasn’t a skill she had acquired. When a medical team comes in, a grey alien comes by and tests the humans. When he gets to her and she goes off, there is relief in his expression. She is taken to medical, brought to stability, and they run some tests while stowing her in a cell for her own protection. The problem is there is a Hmrain in the next cell, and while his wings are gorgeous and look so soft, his eyes are so hot he could burn her. Kalek is just finishing rut when this receptive human is dropped in next to him, but she needs calm, and he tries to give it, right up until the moment when his second in command makes an offhand remark about her prognosis and tries to remove her from his presence. Instinct takes over, and he breaks out of his cell. Being chased by the captain of the ship is strange enough, but having him next to her when she wakes up from a painful medical procedure is shocking. He wants her body, mind, and soul, and maintaining her is part of the deal. He will hold up his end if she signs the contract to bind them together.
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    (Book 7 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Removed from her bond post, she wasn’t expecting to be moved from a retired overseer to the possession of the new generation
    Read MoreRecovering from an attack by a cranky client, Dorra is surprised to be pulled out of her cell and hauled off the floating station and down to the surface to visit a dying client. She arrives at the home of a client she hasn’t seen for months—the general. He smiles and invites her to stay and play strategy games with him. He has paid her bond off on the station, and she now has a new place to live. There is just one problem. The residence isn’t his anymore. His grandson has taken on the position of overseer, and it is Hreon’s opinion that matters. Dorra is used to bantering and flirting with the general, but she knows instinctively that Hreon is not going to flirt and let things go. Her own body pulls the trigger. She’s receptive, he’s in rut, and very little is going to get in his way. He can’t get enough of her, and she gives him everything she has.
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She didn’t want to go to Usatho, but her brother needed support. Two years in, her bond was sold, and the Overseer was waiting to take her.
    Read MoreTwo hellish years after the asteroid hit Earth, Mercy and Mender stagger to a pickup point and get taken to the education station. They get medical care, education, and languages. Mender goes through a few queries while Mercy is in medical, and when she is out, he comes to her with the offer. After discussion, they decide that he should take the offer, and he does, but she has to remain with him. It’s his addiction to the contract. Then, they wait. Two years later, her brother is on his way to fulfilling his contract, and his breeding partner decides that she is a drain on resources. He has her hauled to the bond auction with an eye to putting her up for auction before her nephew is born. On a whim, the assessor decides to re-run her compatibility tests due to her physical condition when she arrived, and to his delight, she is now companion-class. The first step is to offer her to the overseer, and he announces that he’s on his way. Mercy serves tea to Overseer Usatho. He looks her over and agrees to offer her a bond contract. She gets to stay on the planet that her twin brother calls home, which is really all that matters.
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped, ransomed, and rejected, she didn’t think things could get any worse until she realized that the rescue approaching was going to have conditions.
    Read MoreMisty survived a horrible life and terrible parents and siblings to make it across the stars when her world ended. Those that hurt her were on the same ship. Family groups needed to be kept together, and she accepted that her suffering wasn’t going to end. Four and a half years of a menial job later, she meets a few people that are genuinely kind, and she enjoys the kindness while it lasts. A few days later, she is kidnapped and held for ransom, and no one will pay. She is ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder when a rescuer appears, and it is the person who offered her kindness at the café. Now, he is offering a contract, and she doesn’t have another option. She will sign a contract with the overseer and see how long she lasts.
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    Series - Shattered Stars book 13 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Nova has reinvented herself after surviving two years in the devastation of her dying world, but she didn’t count on being a match for an intergalactic overseer. Relationship goals.
    Read MoreNova stumbled to her own rescue and spent weeks in rehab learning to move again. She studied every minute of every day and learned to fly anything she could find a simulator for. The next time she was in a life-and-death situation, she would be able to fly to safety. The education station pronounced her suitable for a Hmrain and shipped her off to meet him. She meets some other women who are being bonded to the same world, but before she can settle in to meet them, the transport is under attack. The ship’s crew is excellent at defense, but there is one person who happened to train as the centre for the battle formation and activate a deadly weapon by becoming the centre. She has to convince her keeper that she’s allowed to go into battle, and once there, she has the time of her life. Lily nearly died minutes before escaping from Earth. While she is destined for a life as an administrator at a colony, her fate takes a sharp turn when her body sends out a signal, and from across the stars, someone answers.
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    Series - Shattered Stars book 11 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb She left Earth to survive as a labourer, but things changed, and she was swept up in finding a new life that made her old one look like purgatory.
    Read MoreGetting herself and her sister through the end of the world would have been a lot easier if Lily hadn’t been at her high school reunion. Taking care of over a dozen whining women had grated on her nerves. Getting to the rescue vessels had been a relief. Iris breezed through the training and learned as many languages as possible. She made some friends outside her collected group, but none of that meant anything when she was bundled into a sleeping pod and launched into space with the rest. She woke up with her sister nearby, and the rest of her arrival day went in a blur. There was a rushed landing, a sandstorm, and then a man, who smelled like summer, rescued her from the new world that was trying to kill her. She was given a few scans, and he insisted she gets medical treatment for old injuries. Time went by, and when she was discharged from the med centre, she had an interesting diagnosis for her current status. She was a companion class Terran, and Yavor was a Hmrain in search of a companion. It was like he had this planned all along.
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