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    (Book 10 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Training to follow in her father’s footsteps goes well until she gets to the training center. Then, it all hits the fan.
    Read MoreKabyl has wanted to take peacekeeper training since she was six. Her dad had always tried to temper her expectations. Women didn’t usually have the physical skills required for the job. She worked hard, got strong, fast, and resilient and then…she turned into a dragon. Everything got a little confused at that point. The application had been sent, received, and accepted. Kabyl had been assigned a trainer by the diamond dragon, and he had been accepted as her partner by the peacekeepers. She isn’t sure what being his partner will entail, but as long as she has a shot at her dreams, he could call himself a forest-running elf if he wanted. Oh, wait, that is what he is. First, they need official training, and then, they can work on keeping the peace.
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    (Book 9 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb When the winter has almost no sun, monsters wake and torment the locals until a dragon rises in the frost.
    Read MoreKabyl’s family has run a careful supply business, keeping the essentials in stock in order to help her town and the villages around it survive the long, dark winter. Rumors of beasts beyond the standard shifters are beginning to surface, and when regulars don’t show up for their fuel rations, Kabyl has to brave the dark and the cold to find out if natural death has taken her family’s friends or if there is something darker than death in the land of snow. A wellness check turns into a fight for survival, and Kabyl has to dig deep to stay alive. She had no idea she was going to find a dragon. The dragon was just as surprised.
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    (Book 8 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Alone in a world that wants her blood, she seeks out friends who embrace her and a new home where she can grow and evolve.
    Read MoreZzara has been learning magic forbidden to dragons. When the mage guild catches on to what her tutor has been showing her, they are both in trouble. Helping a dragon to learn magic is a high crime. If the dragon wasn’t the child of Magus Warrok, the dragon wasn’t allowed spellwork. Zzara has few choices. Either she can remain in her friend’s home and put her in danger, or she can leave with the knowledge she already has mastered. It is a choice that forces her to make decisions she wanted to leave for another year. Emory guards the blood dragon. He has been waiting for this moment for years. The moment the call came out for guards, he got clearance from the elders and made his way to the capital. The blood dragon was shorter than he had imagined, but she had an intelligence and a will that never failed to surprise him. He had to remain on his toes when she was around, and keeping an air of mystery was his first line of defense.
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    (Book 7 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Thrown from the life she thought she knew, Zzara has to restart her existence with no mother, no father, as a dragon denied.
    Read MoreZzara was excited and happy on the day it all fell apart. Her father had married another dragon and the new lady of the house had no interest in his mistress living on her new property. Her mother takes her own life, her father is trying to pretend that she doesn’t exist, but that is not something Zzara is willing to tolerate. Not anymore. The investigators bring her to her father’s house and Zzara makes sure that her father’s new wife understands what her threats brought about. She flees to the desert, a plan to start over at Rekker City, but she takes a few days to mourn. A hidden child, she had never had a plan for a life away from her mother. She meets those who are willing to help her make those first steps and then she is off and running.
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    (Book 6 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Working out tension during some light espionage seems like the thing to do while pondering her future.
    Read MoreEltrinia has been progressing. She is the master of the on-loan gallery, she takes tours of all ages around, and she has been recruited for operative training at the capital. Learning combat tactics in sparring matches with Trin is bizarrely fun. It is like looking into a tinted mirror. When she finally gets clearance for her first mission, she is paired with Inoth and must wait for her paperwork before she can go and play spy. They finally make their way to their assignment. It turns out that he gets to be himself, and she has to pretend to be an airhead. Yay. Inoth has been working on getting closer to Eltrinia, but circumstances and the dragon senator have been very effective at keeping them apart. When he volunteered to be her partner, there were a few snickers, but no one knew Eltrinia like he did. There was no doubt about it, he had gotten the pick of the trainees. She had skills that even he didn’t know about, but he was willing to learn.
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    (Book 5 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Born nameless in a tank, they try and make her into a weapon, but she chooses defiance.
    Read MoreEltrinia sounds like a good name, and Lem comes naturally. After falling through the sky during a lightning storm, Eltrinia is free of the tube that they grew her in, and while she doesn’t yet know her name, she knows that she needs to get in touch with society. A fisherman and his wife take her in, and a shore patrolman offers to take her to safety, but minimal contact with him tells her all she needs to know. The valley wants her back, she is expensive, and they have scouts looking everywhere for her. Her captor thinks he is in charge, but that is when he meets the lightning. After that, things get a little blurry.
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    (Book 4 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Inheritor of a family vendetta, getting revenge on the dragons has side effects that raise a lot of questions.
    Read MoreAll Aeli wanted was revenge for her father. She planned and schemed in secret, finally carrying out a plot that she had designed as a disgruntled teen. She takes the spell to the dragon council and lets the ball go, shattering, spreading the banishment spell, and kicking all the dragons out of the city in one large cascade. Imagine her surprise when she gets sucked out into the open wasteland outside the city, and the dragons know who is responsible for her plight. Councillor Kreelo comes to her rescue and flies her to safety where she comes to grips with what her banishment means and how it will affect her life. She had no idea she was a dragon and thinks it is ridiculous, but how else would the spell grab her. She needs to undo the spell so she can return to normal. If anyone in Rekker City will accept her apology.one to spite her fiancé, and Trin is going to destroy any dragoness who gets near Brommin before she can. That nerd is hers!
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    (Book 3 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Her aunt is her roommate, assassins are closing in, and she still needs a dress for the dragon ball. Buckle up.
    Read MoreAfter finding out where she actually came from, Trin is now trying to hide from the family who wants her genes for analysis and who wants her aunt Meadra back. Hiding in Breaker City works for a while, but when kidnappers and assassins threaten those who have tried to keep them safe, Trin decides that a return to the capitol is what she needs. She knows where everything is and how to defend herself in the place she grew up. Hiding with friends is far superior to hiding alone. Apraxa is back from the sea kingdom, and she has no inclination to return for the present. Her mother is abusive, and her fiancé is a bit of a jerk. She joins their merry band and heads out with them to the dragon ball. If she can’t get over her fiancé, perhaps there is another dragon who would do as well. Meadra needs a mate for security, Apraxa needs one to spite her fiancé, and Trin is going to destroy any dragoness who gets near Brommin before she can. That nerd is hers!
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    (Book 2 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Trained, stalked, and marked for death was not her plan for the day. Time for a road trip to clear her head.
    Read MoreTrin has trained to be stealthy, trained to defend herself, but when a bounty on her head threatens the safety of her friends, she has to get out of town. Visiting a friend and mixing business with her escape, she learns that dragons mixing their bloodlines may be more common than anyone thought. She spends enough time in Breaker City ordering tea and ceramics to figure out what she wants to do next, and what she wants to do is find out who and where she came from. Learning the details of her family tree leaves her shaken, but nothing can hold her back when it comes to following her instincts. Not even the very folk she came to meet.
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    (Book 1 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Trin has been raised with the knowledge that her parentage was unknown and she was human. Those two items were the cornerstone of her existence.
    Read MoreAn altercation at a baby shower leads to her discovering another side to herself. That side was big, crystalline, and caused the other dragons in her vicinity to bow their heads. Defending her friend had led her into this new shape, and now, she was stuck with it. Taken to the central hub of the dragon council, she trades her cooperation for knowledge and freedoms. She had been an independent woman a lot longer than she had been a dragon, and she wasn’t going to lose her lifestyle just because she could suddenly breathe blasts of pure energy. Along the way, she learns about where she came from, and it gives her an outline for the life she wants, with the dragon of her choosing.
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    (Book 6 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Lacey was the newest member of the station before the explosion, but she lost her future right after the blast.
    Read MoreLacey had grown up with privilege, but she learned early exactly how deals got made. She used to use her skills to get Adaptation Station their hard-to-come-by supplies, but after the blast, the family that she had been gaining was pulled from her. Lacey was transported across the stars where she sat at the side of her grandfather while he bargained away the human race. When she objected, she became a test subject that the Splice took apart. Wallowing in depression lasted for a while, but when she got back on her feet and stood tall, she realized that she had work to do, and no one was going to do it for her. Time to get a plan into position and get her band back together.
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    (Book 5 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb When her body isn’t hers to command, Windy has to find ways to defend herself.
    Read MoreWindy broke her spine in the attack, and she was taken from Adaptation Station and sold to the Splice. Her destiny was to act as their communication conduit. She hated the idea of destiny. When Alphy sent a hunter to come get her, he is shocked by her condition. They come up with a plan to extract her from the communication array, but it is going to take some time and a lot of patience. Unable to simply use nanites for the procedure, Windy faces a slow and uphill battle to get control of her body again. It is just the beginning of a wild ride.
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    (Book 4 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Forced to be a medic at a corrupt arena, Cracker dreams of getting one person on her side, and then, he shows up.
    Read MoreCracker’s life after the explosion was textbook. She only had one broken leg from the blast, but she was sent to the arena at the request of some retired generals, and there, she was altered into a lost leg with a tether running through it. She was delighted when communication with everyone as possible, and even if she had to hide her equipment, she had friends to talk to again. She hid her situation as best she could, but the day that she met the first-gen cyborg, she thought that things might just be turning around.. With a tiny drop of hope in her life, she asked Lucky for programs that would help her out of her situation, and her friend delivered. Cracker was now back in action.
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    (Book 3 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Programming nanites isn’t a hobby; it is in her blood. Time to break the mold and see what she can do.
    Read MoreLucky was holding the bomb that blew the staff of Adaptation Base to pieces. Instead of suffering from the blast, the acid in the device consumed her soft tissues. From the moment she came out of medical on a new base, she has been working to assist the cyborgs of the base with customizing the fit and flex of their new adaptations. When her friends come for her, she is relieved, but the station isn’t interested in parting with her quite that easily. The resulting hostilities drive some wedges in the two factions, but a Splice attack has everyone seeing sense in no time. Nervous around human men, her friends assign Lucky a bodyguard with large wings and rainbow eyes. He is polite, charming, a biologist, and very attentive. If he plays his cards right, he just might get Lucky.
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    (Book 2 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Alphy needs a guide, a pilot, and a companion. Who knew that Lexo could fit all requirements?
    Read MoreAlone on a station with only the voices in her head, Alphy needs to get in touch with the humans who are left out in space, and that means moving her ship. The trouble that she has is that the station was never designed to be flown by someone who didn’t even have a driving license. Lexo has only been out of stasis for less than a week, but he jumps at the chance to leave his sister and her lover behind to seek out the bliss of the stars once again. Programmed to rage against the enemy, he must work to keep himself calm when confronted with a woman who activates his nervous system on sight. Lust has to take a back seat to the flight of the station; he just needs to find out what the huge ship is actually designed to do. When Alphy finds out that there have been changes made to her systems, she must face being a freak among cyborgs with her altered design.
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    (Book 1 Mechanical Advantage Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A woman under repair with a skill for assessing survival meets a previous acquaintance who is now more than a match for her..
    Read MoreIn the year 2280, Earth has been at war for a decade. The Splice take the humans they capture and use them for parts. Sending bots in place of humans didn’t work, but taking the wounded and turning them into cyborgs has enabled Earth to push the Splice away from Earth. The combination of metal and man is turning the tide in a war that no one could have imagined. Adaptation Base is where the wounded are recycled into enhanced warriors, and when a terrorist action takes out the administration, the newest cyborgs will have to take things into their own hands. When Stitch comes to, her position as an assessment officer is still valid, but her new location on the front lines means a lot of adjustment. The men she had designed from the wounds out are now her team, and finding the one who had flirted his way into her heart—after all this time—leaves her vulnerable to his mechanical advantage.
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    (Book 9 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb With Rudolph facing off against Santa, Christmas is on the line, along with her freedom. Ru was born in a forest and soon recruited by Santa. He wanted her to help harness the remains of long-dead deities. Christmas is coming into fashion in the human world and that is a lot of energy to take advantage of. He moves her back in time, and together, they build the workshop. Ru has one problem. Santa tricked her and locked the collar around her neck. Her other forms are no longer hers to command, and without them, she can’t be whole. It has taken her over a thousand years, but she finally has a way to claim her freedom, and if Santa cooperates, Christmas won’t be hurt.
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    (Book 8 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Blitzen enjoys fixing things, and the machines that make Christmas sweeter need attention, too. As Belinda Litzen, she is a one-woman repair shop catering to all the overworked bakeries in town. When a candy shop has a rolling machine down, she shows up to save the day and meets a candy maker who gives her a visual sugar rush. Rex has been waiting for his reindeer to show up, but the repairwoman was not what he had imagined. Instead of brown, she was golden, and instead of shy, she met his gaze head-on. She is his first reindeer, and he is her first wolf
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    (Book 7 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Donder is a holiday designer asked to spruce up a pleasure club, and the Master is interested in more than her designs.
    Read MoreDoni is having fun during the weeks before the holidays. She has never enjoyed herself more. After a variety of successful jobs, her boss sheepishly asks her to take on one more client before the holidays strike. The private club caters to those with an adventurous bent and the money to ensure their privacy. Doni needs to bring a little joy and sparkle to their themed rooms, and she dives into the project with enthusiasm. Bern has been watching for the reindeer to cross his path, but he never expected it to come in such an amazing form. Christmas has never looked more perfect.
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    (Book 6 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Cupid takes a position managing a stressed-out crew at Christmas, and she finds a lawyer with an interest in her stockings.
    Read MoreCupid launched herself into organizing a branch of Legal Aid only to meet a handsome lawyer who sends her senses into disarray. Watching the families who needed help and those who were paid to help them was an education. No one stayed unless they had a feel for the job and all of those working with her want nothing more than relief of stress for their clients. When Tyr arrives as holiday relief, he sweeps through their caseload like magic. His interest in late-night takeout and casual chatter are enough to catch and keep her attention, but when she realizes who and what he is, her holiday season goes from snowbound to hot.
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    (Book 5 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Comet is content to relive the past, but meeting Salk gives her a glimpse into the future, and she might just let go of regrets.
    Read MoreComet is five hundred years old by human standards of linear time, but in her mind, she is the same young woman taken out of the Middle Ages by Santa. Being pulled out of her time to become one of the Christmas reindeer had been harsh but better than being stoned or hung as a witch. Her foray away from the workshop takes her to a modern past, a Ren Faire. The clothing and traditions are familiar, and she spends time grieving for a family lost many Christmases ago. Salk is a coal elf of the naughty-or-nice department. His job has been to find those who are definitely naughty and punish them. He never imagined that he would find a reindeer who needs his nice side more than anything else
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    (Book 4 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Teaching the visitors about the holiday stars is fun until a man who burns brighter than the sun enters Vixen’s orbit.
    Read MoreVixen chooses life with astronomy, and she ends up as an educator and a researcher for a tiny observatory struggling to make ends meet. When Vi arrives, she makes an impression and takes over most of the day-to-day operations, which is fine until an elf comes calling. Xander has been sent to bring Vixen home, but he doesn’t know how he will go about convincing her that it is a good idea, until he asks her out and she tells him what she wants. Magic and wonder are the hallmarks of Christmas, and these two have it in spades.
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    (Book 3 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Prancer loves big machines, and what gets a person in the mood for Christmas like a snow plow?
    Read MorePrancer has no problem with her place on the team, but she wants to experience some of the wonderful new vehicles she has been seeing every Christmas Eve. When she enters the human world, she assigns herself to drive a snow plow. It is everything she wants at a safe distance from any and all human interference. She wants to watch them, not be among them. It worked out well for her until the night she hit the snowman on the side of the road, and it was occupied. Merkoss thought he was on his way to intercepting one of the reindeer with a few weeks to go. He leaves the workshop and ends up encased in a snowman, moving through time as well as space. After being struck by the snow plow, he finds himself facing his target, but he only has twenty-four hours to convince her that she should return to the workshop. Time is of the essence.
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    (Book 2 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Dancer craves social interaction, so when she takes the chance to run, she heads to the mall.
    Read MoreDancer joined the exodus from the workshop in a chance to experience life and possibly love. She focuses on life and finds herself working in a mall as a security guard. Watching humans in their preparations for Christmas gives her a feeling of purpose and renews her energy for the holiday. A new photographer at Santa’s Grotto gains a crowd and Dancer’s admiration. He handles children with skill and coaxes smiles out of the most recalcitrant little ones. Dancer catches his eye, and she acknowledges the mutual attraction. A bit of light flirting and fending off attackers creates a bond that definitely embodies the spirit of giving
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    (Book 1 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Dasher gains life as a human, but she is missing a connection. She wants a mate and is willing to do whatever it takes to find one.
    Read MoreOne of nine reindeer that pulls Santa’s sleigh, Dasher wants nothing more than to find a partner, a mate, someone to be with. With the restrictions in the workshop, she has only one choice—she goes to the human world and starts trying men on for size. The down side to mating with a human is that they don’t remember her the following day. The depressing point is that none of them have the stamina to keep up with her and there are no second chances. Every time is the first time with a human. When she is assigned to a shop that needs an emergency audit, she enjoys the thrill of digging through the messy paperwork, and she has plans for the proprietor. One time might be enough if it was with him. Argus has been sent to bring back a reindeer, but the woman with smoldering dark eyes is more than he was banking on. She seems nice, but he wants her naughty.
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    (Book 5 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb The final classes have begun and the only thing standing in Imara’s way is an ancient and deadly enemy…of her kitten.
    Read MoreImara’s life is going according to her plans. She has her boyfriend, her kitten, and is about to earn her degree in Magecraft and graduate. Once she has that degree, she has the right to request an application for a commercial magic license. It is the goal she has been working toward all along. A shadow begins to haunt her during the day and stalk her when she is away from the college. She doesn’t know what it wants, but it follows her with a purpose she can’t fathom until she finds the identity of her stalker. By the time she learns that it is Mr. E the stalker is after and not her, the trap has already closed.
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    (Book 4 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Stealing an ancient artifact is a strange test, but going up against her family and the law adds a new level of difficulty.
    Read MoreImara wants nothing more than to find a different course, but Stealth Magic gives her the credits she needs to stay on track and there aren’t any other options rearing their heads. Stealth Magic is not what she thought it would be, and the idea of breaking into a home to rob an ancient artifact for her final exam was a little daunting. Luckily, Imara has friends who are going to help her through training, some old and some new. Through some work with the XIA, she finds a tutor for her training, and a place to do it. Ritual Space offers her a welcome and the inhabitants set themselves to the monumental task of her training. The exam is getting closer and time is a factor. Mr. E just likes chasing the enchanted bunnies of Ritual Space.
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    (Book 3 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Her magic is coming along, her kitten is still deadly, and she is about to make an actual friend. Controlling weather is simple by comparison.
    Read MoreSky Breaking seemed like a useful course, but its usefulness lay in the amount of credits that would count toward Imara’s degree. Once she is in the course, she meets the only other student, and they strike an unlikely friendship. Kitigan is a seer who has an interest in farming and apiculture, weather magic is part of that peculiar parcel. After a series of classes that turn into tests, Imara is happy to head to Kitty’s farm for a weekend away from school, and Mr. E wants to head out and ride some sheep. Everybody has something to do, including the trespassing werewolf pack that just moved in next to Kitty’s family farm. Imara has to walk the fine line between guest and defender while taking her Death Keeper skills for a spin. Her weekend is anything but relaxing.
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    (Book 2 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A would-be magus with studying on her mind must deal with a possible suitor and her feisty hellkitten.
    Read MoreImara made it through her first term without too many issues, but now that she is in the second term, a magic-draining fiend is stalking the students, and her familiar is bored with guiding her through the early stages of magic. He has taken to giving her misinformation to see if she can use her own judgments. It is a challenge she doesn’t really need. XIA agents are taking courses at the college, and one of them ends up next to Imara during her ethics course. A few conversations lead to a lunch date, and now, she must determine if a social life is worth more than her scholastic one. Mr. E just likes going on lunch dates. The servers swoon over his cute fuzziness. He is no help at all.


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