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    (Book 5 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb The final classes have begun and the only thing standing in Imara’s way is an ancient and deadly enemy…of her kitten.
    Read MoreImara’s life is going according to her plans. She has her boyfriend, her kitten, and is about to earn her degree in Magecraft and graduate. Once she has that degree, she has the right to request an application for a commercial magic license. It is the goal she has been working toward all along. A shadow begins to haunt her during the day and stalk her when she is away from the college. She doesn’t know what it wants, but it follows her with a purpose she can’t fathom until she finds the identity of her stalker. By the time she learns that it is Mr. E the stalker is after and not her, the trap has already closed.
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    (Book 4 Hellkitten Chronicles Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Stealing an ancient artifact is a strange test, but going up against her family and the law adds a new level of difficulty.
    Read MoreImara wants nothing more than to find a different course, but Stealth Magic gives her the credits she needs to stay on track and there aren’t any other options rearing their heads. Stealth Magic is not what she thought it would be, and the idea of breaking into a home to rob an ancient artifact for her final exam was a little daunting. Luckily, Imara has friends who are going to help her through training, some old and some new. Through some work with the XIA, she finds a tutor for her training, and a place to do it. Ritual Space offers her a welcome and the inhabitants set themselves to the monumental task of her training. The exam is getting closer and time is a factor. Mr. E just likes chasing the enchanted bunnies of Ritual Space.
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    (Book 8 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped from the education station, Sil is set loose on a huge warship, only to find herself bound in a contract no one expected.
    Read MoreSilhouette watches the alien abductors trying to unload the entire shipment of stolen Terrans. She wished that she could sleep standing up, but it wasn’t a skill she had acquired. When a medical team comes in, a grey alien comes by and tests the humans. When he gets to her and she goes off, there is relief in his expression. She is taken to medical, brought to stability, and they run some tests while stowing her in a cell for her own protection. The problem is there is a Hmrain in the next cell, and while his wings are gorgeous and look so soft, his eyes are so hot he could burn her. Kalek is just finishing rut when this receptive human is dropped in next to him, but she needs calm, and he tries to give it, right up until the moment when his second in command makes an offhand remark about her prognosis and tries to remove her from his presence. Instinct takes over, and he breaks out of his cell. Being chased by the captain of the ship is strange enough, but having him next to her when she wakes up from a painful medical procedure is shocking. He wants her body, mind, and soul, and maintaining her is part of the deal. He will hold up his end if she signs the contract to bind them together.
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    (Book 6 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Lacey was the newest member of the station before the explosion, but she lost her future right after the blast.
    Read MoreLacey had grown up with privilege, but she learned early exactly how deals got made. She used to use her skills to get Adaptation Station their hard-to-come-by supplies, but after the blast, the family that she had been gaining was pulled from her. Lacey was transported across the stars where she sat at the side of her grandfather while he bargained away the human race. When she objected, she became a test subject that the Splice took apart. Wallowing in depression lasted for a while, but when she got back on her feet and stood tall, she realized that she had work to do, and no one was going to do it for her. Time to get a plan into position and get her band back together.
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    Series - Shattered Stars book 11 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb She left Earth to survive as a labourer, but things changed, and she was swept up in finding a new life that made her old one look like purgatory.
    Read MoreGetting herself and her sister through the end of the world would have been a lot easier if Lily hadn’t been at her high school reunion. Taking care of over a dozen whining women had grated on her nerves. Getting to the rescue vessels had been a relief. Iris breezed through the training and learned as many languages as possible. She made some friends outside her collected group, but none of that meant anything when she was bundled into a sleeping pod and launched into space with the rest. She woke up with her sister nearby, and the rest of her arrival day went in a blur. There was a rushed landing, a sandstorm, and then a man, who smelled like summer, rescued her from the new world that was trying to kill her. She was given a few scans, and he insisted she gets medical treatment for old injuries. Time went by, and when she was discharged from the med centre, she had an interesting diagnosis for her current status. She was a companion class Terran, and Yavor was a Hmrain in search of a companion. It was like he had this planned all along.
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    (Book 1 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Trin has been raised with the knowledge that her parentage was unknown and she was human. Those two items were the cornerstone of her existence.
    Read MoreAn altercation at a baby shower leads to her discovering another side to herself. That side was big, crystalline, and caused the other dragons in her vicinity to bow their heads. Defending her friend had led her into this new shape, and now, she was stuck with it. Taken to the central hub of the dragon council, she trades her cooperation for knowledge and freedoms. She had been an independent woman a lot longer than she had been a dragon, and she wasn’t going to lose her lifestyle just because she could suddenly breathe blasts of pure energy. Along the way, she learns about where she came from, and it gives her an outline for the life she wants, with the dragon of her choosing.
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    (Book 1 Monstrous Ball Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb What girl doesn’t want to go to the ball? Maybe not on Monster Island...
    Read MoreArabella is nearing the end of her work visa on Monster Island when she gets invited to the full moon ball by the mayor of the island. The band that she is given marks her as an invitee of the next full moon ball, and she notices the looks she gets from the locals when they see it. No one else is sporting an all-onyx band.

    After an altercation at work, she ends up needing medical attention, and she is the only one surprised when the mayor arrives and carries her to the med centre, where he introduces her to aspects of his appearance that are not so human.

    He is very good with his tongue.

    Harrow has been waiting centuries for a mate to present herself. Monsters don’t get many chances when the screaming and running start. Arabella is different. When she sees his teeth, she smiles, and when he uses his tongue, she cuddles up for more.

    Only a full night at the ball will determine if they are a match or if heavy petting is where it ends.

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    (Book 3 Betas in Waiting Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb Andrea’s an abused omega, and Dell is a neglected beta. After time and shared trauma, they end up bonding in a pack made to protect the omega, and it changes to support the beta.
    Read MoreAndy was trapped in a relationship that was forced on her. Her finances were depleted on a regular basis. She couldn’t choose her own life, car, associates. He even decided she should bear his child when his wife wouldn’t.

    His sudden death was more relief than burden, and her body immediately undergoes a transformation from stunted beta to petite omega. Only her terror is holding her back now. A friend she has known for years steps in and helps hold her up. He finds her a pack and helps her embrace her new designation and all it means. The pack finds her an assistant to manage life with five males.

    Dell is a woman who has seen the dark side of alphas. When she is offered the chance to work with and for Andrea, she accepts and helps her through the loss of the child she never chose but still looked forward to. Dell had her own experience a few years earlier.

    The day she meets Andrea’s pack, Dell is prepared to stand in the shadows, but her own nature puts her into the path of one of the alphas, and he is delighted to finally have a breeding mate of his very own.

    Balancing her job and her lover will be difficult as the pack pulls tight, with Andrea and Dell firmly in the middle.

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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb The wedding was lovely. Brit wasn’t going, but when her sister’s time at the reception gets uncomfortable, nothing could stop her from lending a hand by becoming bait.
    Read MoreBrit got a call from her sister and headed off to the wedding on Daycross Island. She just had to pull a tracking device out of her foot before going. Being the only current multi-morph on record makes her very popular with law enforcement and espionage agencies. She doesn’t want to play with either. She finds her sister, understands what’s needed, and coordinates with one of Ylara’s associates to distract the three alphas stalking her sister due to her state of heat. Brit changes to her sister’s form and makes a run through the woods, but an unearthly howl follows her, and she is soon up a tree with nowhere to go. Denier knows that the scent is wrong for his original target, but he can’t resist running prey. The scent is what he has been looking for, and he sets out to catch it.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Ylara just wanted to enjoy the wedding. Her heat should have been under control. Attracting one alpha would have been bad enough, but having her choice out of three makes her head spin.
    Read MoreYlara had a lovely time at Vallu’s wedding. She caught the bouquet, danced the night away, and only then noticed that her dance partners followed her every move. She panics and tries to make a break for it, but they block her path. She does what any sensible woman would do; she hides in a broom closet and calls for help from every friend or family member she can think of. When her troops arrive, they offer support and a plan. Sabine urges her to choose her alpha to help deal with her heat. They all know what torture it is to leave it unanswered, so leave her to make up her mind. Picking the guy with the giant scorpion tail might not have been the most sensible thing, but it feels right. When he holds her close and promises to take care of her, she believes him. Whether she trusts him is another matter entirely.
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    Series - Blind Date Corp (book 6) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Sabine is enjoying the reception until she gets a distress call and goes to pitch in by distracting some alphas so her friend could escape. The alphas just changed their focus and split up. The ladies scattered, and the hunt was on.
    Read MoreSabine has been recovering from work-related damage. An active nearly crushed her spine. She’s now on crutches until a walking suit can be arranged, and coordinating formalwear with crutches is harder than it looks. Watching her friend Vallu get married to the large furry man of her dreams and the father of her baby was sweet, and the reception was fun. With the crutches, Sabine had to skip the dances, but she enjoyed every moment of the party. The bride and groom were long gone when she got a call from another guest and answered the call for help. Ylara was being cornered by three alphas who didn’t mind sharing, and that was not something she was interested in. With three ladies gathered to distract the guys, they split off to deal with their individual alpha. Shaking them off was another matter. Sabine ends up with a muscle-bound water-breather on her trail, and dealing with him and her injuries is just too complicated. She makes a few decisions that change the direction of her life and twist her future into something she could not have imagined.
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    (Book 3 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb After facing demons and murderers, their greatest task is in front of them - meeting the in-laws.
    Read MoreWith her binding to her partners, Benny feels safe and settled. She wants to start her career in the XIA and make a place in that organization. The past rears up and has other ideas. The binding has its own issues. Their group has to meet and greet each family they are attached to and try to gain approval for their union. A different technique is required for each species, and they have to be ready for anything. True love might win the day, but politics is a pain in the butt.
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    Three Thousand Roses

    (The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Lexa’s life has been a fight, but now, an alpha from her past has offered her protection and safety with the help of two others. For her daughter’s safety, she will pay their price.
    Read MoreLexa’s debut as an omega was traumatic and left her scarred. She has spent the five years since fighting to keep her adopted daughter and keep her sanity

    At the limit of her resources, there is a knock on her door, and the love of her life from five years earlier is standing there, and he finally asks her what happened after he left her. Her answers shake him, and he leaves. There is a certain amount of peace to seeing him again, and she gets on with her life.

    Two weeks later, he returns with an offer of protection and safety with two other alphas of his ursa type who have agreed to form a unit for her benefit. Lexa thinks about the safety of her daughter, and she agrees to meet the first of her prospective mates. His identity shocks her, and his clever tongue makes her head spin.

    The next prospect is terrifying, adorable, and enthusiastic. She gets lost in his arms, and she agrees to his protection. Her original mate from years ago is willing to stand aside and act as guardian, but it doesn’t feel right to ignore him. Their connection feels like it was never broken, and her heart aches for him. Can she really start anew with the man from her past and two charming strangers?

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    (Book 5 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb When her body isn’t hers to command, Windy has to find ways to defend herself.
    Read MoreWindy broke her spine in the attack, and she was taken from Adaptation Station and sold to the Splice. Her destiny was to act as their communication conduit. She hated the idea of destiny. When Alphy sent a hunter to come get her, he is shocked by her condition. They come up with a plan to extract her from the communication array, but it is going to take some time and a lot of patience. Unable to simply use nanites for the procedure, Windy faces a slow and uphill battle to get control of her body again. It is just the beginning of a wild ride.
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    (Book 5 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Comet is content to relive the past, but meeting Salk gives her a glimpse into the future, and she might just let go of regrets.
    Read MoreComet is five hundred years old by human standards of linear time, but in her mind, she is the same young woman taken out of the Middle Ages by Santa. Being pulled out of her time to become one of the Christmas reindeer had been harsh but better than being stoned or hung as a witch. Her foray away from the workshop takes her to a modern past, a Ren Faire. The clothing and traditions are familiar, and she spends time grieving for a family lost many Christmases ago. Salk is a coal elf of the naughty-or-nice department. His job has been to find those who are definitely naughty and punish them. He never imagined that he would find a reindeer who needs his nice side more than anything else
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    (Book 2 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Benny is swept on a quest to save her parents, and binding herself to her agents is all part of the plan. Who knew it was permanent?
    Read MoreBenny has completed the XIA course that will let her work with the agents she became close to while hunting a serial killer. It will take effect the moment they are cleared of demonic influence. Nothing like knowing that your blood is despised to make a girl feel wanted. After a night on the town with Freddy, Benny runs into the agents, and they are not only hogging her favourite taco joint, but they are interested in her social status. She is about to say yes to whatever they can come up with when she gets a call from her house, and the night goes downhill from there. Karaoke, kidnapping and binding spells make up the rest of the night when Benny must head to the demon zone and Argyle, Smith and Tremble refuse to let her go alone. Nothing like jumping into a dimensional prison to lock in a first date.
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    (Book 0.5 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Traded for a blood debt, in service to a vampire, and loaned to a shifter, Zora never thought to find pleasure…
    Read MoreZora has always felt the stigma of being born to a family tainted by vampire blood. That family legacy becomes vividly real when her great-great grandfather tracks her down and trades her for a blood debt owed to the local vampire king. Zora finds a way to use her particular skill set in the vampire court and her first week goes well, until the vampire king decides she needs the comfort of a warm shifter next to her at night. Dragon shifter Rigeck has come to see the woman his friend wants him to heat up. The shy miss surrounded by salivating potential suitors is just what he’s been looking for. Her blood will confirm if his instincts are correct. But first, he’ll taste the rest of her, for his own entertainment. Will their one night together be enough to keep him from taking her to his lair, or will instinct win the day?
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped, ransomed, and rejected, she didn’t think things could get any worse until she realized that the rescue approaching was going to have conditions.
    Read MoreMisty survived a horrible life and terrible parents and siblings to make it across the stars when her world ended. Those that hurt her were on the same ship. Family groups needed to be kept together, and she accepted that her suffering wasn’t going to end. Four and a half years of a menial job later, she meets a few people that are genuinely kind, and she enjoys the kindness while it lasts. A few days later, she is kidnapped and held for ransom, and no one will pay. She is ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder when a rescuer appears, and it is the person who offered her kindness at the café. Now, he is offering a contract, and she doesn’t have another option. She will sign a contract with the overseer and see how long she lasts.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Orion and the scorpion is a story everyone knows, but Stinger has no interest in killing the man who helps her manage a wave of lust. He might be just what she’s looking for.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb A scheming vampire, a unicorn with a job to do, and a mage who thought her power was gone, leaving her unremarkable.
    Read MoreAlly surrendered her magic as a teen. Her sister was the family heir, and Ally just wanted to leave her home and start off in a new city. She takes on odd jobs and ends up as a secure courier. Weeks before her twenty-seventh birthday, she takes a delivery that goes wrong and ends up with her being bound to the vampire king of the city. She decides to run, but he thwarts her, and after experiencing brunch with the vampire, she agrees to give him a chance to seduce her. Being seduced by a vampire takes time. There has to be formality, organization, and an opener. Ally had never heard of openers, but they were used when there were physical issues between the more aggressive of the races and usually the hapless human. The openers were unicorn stallions with a talent for easing things between normally incompatible species. Ally agrees to it, but there is one problem. She knows the unicorn. Bastien was the brother of one of her best friends, and he had been in training when she had seen him last. She had never imagined that she would see him again and that he would see all of her. Ally had sought to live her life quietly, to be unremarkable, but now, she was in the spotlight, and her family was calling her to defend her life, her freedom, and her new mates. She was taking her family down.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 14 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Bumping into her ex-boyfriend ten years later was unexpected, but having their attraction flare and include two other alphas was shocking, even without the dragons.
    Read MoreEliana was travelling to become her friend’s nanny. The journey on the private plane was long, but the presence of a familiar face made it an eternity. Ten years earlier, her then-boyfriend had marked her and left town. It had been a shocking turn of events. He had told her he loved her, then morphed into a dragon and pressed fire onto her back. Efforts by friends had stilled the fire in her and left the mark hollow, and now... here he was with two friends, and they were all staring at her. Life as a nanny was short. Keahi, Nalu, and Mano all began courting her, and her new boss decided that she could start later or not at all. Dealing with a decade-long hurt was difficult. Dealing with two dragons and a giant shark was easy in comparison. Can the fairy tale restart with a deep dive into the ocean, or will it sink before it swims?
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    (Book 7 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Removed from her bond post, she wasn’t expecting to be moved from a retired overseer to the possession of the new generation
    Read MoreRecovering from an attack by a cranky client, Dorra is surprised to be pulled out of her cell and hauled off the floating station and down to the surface to visit a dying client. She arrives at the home of a client she hasn’t seen for months—the general. He smiles and invites her to stay and play strategy games with him. He has paid her bond off on the station, and she now has a new place to live. There is just one problem. The residence isn’t his anymore. His grandson has taken on the position of overseer, and it is Hreon’s opinion that matters. Dorra is used to bantering and flirting with the general, but she knows instinctively that Hreon is not going to flirt and let things go. Her own body pulls the trigger. She’s receptive, he’s in rut, and very little is going to get in his way. He can’t get enough of her, and she gives him everything she has.


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