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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Krys is pulled across dimensions by a mage who wants to feed her to a sleeping monster. She should have gone out with friends instead.
    Read MoreOne minute, Krys is in the shower; the next minute, she is swept across time and space to act as an offering to an ancient protector locked in stone. The rules are simple. She fails any of the challenges, and she can go home, but she is a determined over-achiever. A mage is assigned to keep her maintained, and he is also her coach and reference guide when it comes to dealing with the challenges and the complications of being a human on an alien world. Nen is a good instructor, and he has an eye toward her wellbeing. The moment that the protector wakes, he requires power. Krys had no idea that Kel was going to have to get it from her. Power turns to pleasure and exponentially clarifies and produces more energy than ever before. She has three days to help save a world, and then, she will be sent home. How can life at home compare with the embrace of two men who make her their entire focus? Well, mainly men... a lot of something else.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She works at a space station catering to everyone else’s virtual fantasies. When a man gets stuck in the scenario, she must wake the sleeping prince.
    Read MoreStyra works at the Blue Station and has been programming since she was able to reach a keyboard. When she became an adult, she went from writing the simple scenarios and backgrounds to guiding tangled clients through the environments they had selected. Lately, she has been going in to pry out the difficult cases and making sure that everyone plays by the rules. Her boss calls her in on her day off and sends her in after an imperial captain. Somehow, he has gotten stuck in one of their fairy tale environments. She headed in to find the missing client, and the computer had locked him in the role of the sleeping beauty. The criteria were clear. A kiss was necessary to wake him, and the protocols were set. Once he was awake, she was ready to get him out of the scenario, but the computer was still locked. Yr-el wasn’t counting on his distaste for the virtual princess, but his drake had wanted to play in the scenario. When he wakes in the arms of a woman with moonlight for skin, he begins to understand why he was steered to this station at this time. All he had to do was get her to release the drake the same way she had released him, and he could begin a courtship.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Duped with a spa day, Billa finds out that she is the chosen offering to an ancient being from the stars. The massage wasn’t that good.
    Read MoreBilla has made her way with menial tasks to get her from world to world. She has learned to defend herself against other crewmen and switches ships when she needs to. Her latest ship is unremarkable, but they have a two-day layover, and Billa wants to spend some of her transport money. She has made arrangements at the only hotel in town that would take reservations and had a spa. Spa days are what she lived for. Billa runs into an ancient rite and finds herself with a starring role in the festivities. When a drake emerges from a hole in space and tries to take her as his tribute, the offering makes a run for it, with temporary success.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb At the end of her contract, she is about to be freed when an attack brings on her rising, and lives are at stake. Now, her life is no longer her own.
    Read MoreDylia was bonded as a private musician for the wealthy. She spent five years paying off her brother’s debts, and the day before she was to be free of the bond, her future plans went up in smoke. Using the bad judgment to get between a psycho and his prey, Dylia was the recipient of a blaster using kekxite energy. She was sent flying, and her dress was ruined, but the stalker wasn’t done yet. Dylia walked to stop the next blast, caught it, and sent it back through the gun. It shattered and disabled the attacker, but she had a bigger problem. The kekxite had brought on her rising. Farway was on duty when he got the call to get to a rising. Instead of the normal body count, he found a man who was wounded but still alive and a shuttle heading for a lake. The wild power signatures were pulsing inside the ship. This being was intensely strong. The hovering above the lake was odd, but he kept back. The rising was ready to blow. The delicate woman who stood on the open hatch and seemed to be waiting for something caught him by surprise. He watched as she timed things out, and when she felt it was time, she jumped. The Cascades of power pulsed out of her, harmlessly into the air. She fell for five seconds and could have powered a city with her output. She struck the water; he retrieved her and then flew her to the training center where she would get medical help and training. As a rising, she belonged to the empire. She belonged to him.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Running into a male entering rut gives her the opportunity to save her friends from punishment at the hands of the emperor. It isn’t really a hardship
    Read Moreydella is the imperial princess. The only imperial princess. Her father had one daughter by her mother and refused to have any other children. He is a man of his word. Tydella travels with ambassadorial duties and spends her birthday on a space station with her guard crew. She learns something that endangers her travelling family and decides to get into trouble to distract her parents from what her guards have been up to. She heads out of the station on her own for a few days of unrestricted solitude and runs into one of her father’s people while clearing customs. He’s tall, he’s handsome, he’s stripey, and is going into rut. She can smell it. Their eyes meet, but she turns and takes off, waiting for a large ship to stick to in order to run through a gate without registering her location. She just happens to pick his ship. Ador is fascinated by the sprightly woman with flashing eyes and magnificent attributes. He is disappointed that she slipped away from him at the station and beyond fascinated when he catches her magnetized to his ship. He offers her a choice and is stunned when she agrees to help him work off his rut. She gets a vacation, he gets a partner, what could possibly complicate things?
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb The Red Prince has escaped his home world and his arranged marriage. The Little Wolf has been dispatched to bring him home... intact enough for his bride.
    Read MoreWhen the queen announced that her son was going to be wed in ten days, Solari felt nothing. When it was noticed that he had escaped, she felt nothing. When she was assigned to chase after him, she was irritated. With her beast locked in her body by a subduing tether, Solari has lived the last ten years half alive as a member of the queen’s wolves. Heading into space is the last place she wants to be, but she knows where Prince Hazwell is going, there is only one place to start a journey in the area. He is heading toward his grandmother’s house... or space station. Hazwell has never considered a married life where Solari wasn’t in the picture, but she was made into one of his mother’s guards, and they were not up for grabs. The announcement of his engagement had come as a shock, and his crimson guards spirited him away to his grandmother’s space station where he could get a long-range ship and figure out what he wanted to do next. The trouble was that his grandmother did nothing for free, and his performance in the arena is a requirement for his acquisition of the ship. When the Little Wolf also enters the arena, all bets are on.
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    (Book 1 An Dark Tails Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Four dark tales of erotica that go under the sea, into a haunted mansion, beneath the earth, and into the woods. Who will survive?
    Read MoreSea Men – Emmy is abandoned to the ocean for refusing to cross the friend-zone barrier finds herself the object of interest for some mermen as she loses her grip on reality. Swipe Right – Molly is on a first date. Her realtor companion decides to show her an unsellable house. When he makes a move she rebuffs him, but not in time to stop his girlfriend from seeing them. Cross Country – Lea is with friends and a guide on a skiing weekend, but she isn’t as fast as her companions. After a flurry, she is lost and they are gone. Finding shelter is her prime concern with night creeping in, but the mythical beast she has to share a cave with has more than sleep on his mind. Camping Out – after a stressful wedding Sara is tired of being the bridesmaid. Now here she is, forced to camp with friends while she remains in the only solo tent. She pitches her small site away from the others. The scratch on her flap in the middle of the night is definitely something that wants to know her better as it hauls her into the woods.
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    (Book 8 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped from the education station, Sil is set loose on a huge warship, only to find herself bound in a contract no one expected.
    Read MoreSilhouette watches the alien abductors trying to unload the entire shipment of stolen Terrans. She wished that she could sleep standing up, but it wasn’t a skill she had acquired. When a medical team comes in, a grey alien comes by and tests the humans. When he gets to her and she goes off, there is relief in his expression. She is taken to medical, brought to stability, and they run some tests while stowing her in a cell for her own protection. The problem is there is a Hmrain in the next cell, and while his wings are gorgeous and look so soft, his eyes are so hot he could burn her. Kalek is just finishing rut when this receptive human is dropped in next to him, but she needs calm, and he tries to give it, right up until the moment when his second in command makes an offhand remark about her prognosis and tries to remove her from his presence. Instinct takes over, and he breaks out of his cell. Being chased by the captain of the ship is strange enough, but having him next to her when she wakes up from a painful medical procedure is shocking. He wants her body, mind, and soul, and maintaining her is part of the deal. He will hold up his end if she signs the contract to bind them together.
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    (Book 7 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Removed from her bond post, she wasn’t expecting to be moved from a retired overseer to the possession of the new generation
    Read MoreRecovering from an attack by a cranky client, Dorra is surprised to be pulled out of her cell and hauled off the floating station and down to the surface to visit a dying client. She arrives at the home of a client she hasn’t seen for months—the general. He smiles and invites her to stay and play strategy games with him. He has paid her bond off on the station, and she now has a new place to live. There is just one problem. The residence isn’t his anymore. His grandson has taken on the position of overseer, and it is Hreon’s opinion that matters. Dorra is used to bantering and flirting with the general, but she knows instinctively that Hreon is not going to flirt and let things go. Her own body pulls the trigger. She’s receptive, he’s in rut, and very little is going to get in his way. He can’t get enough of her, and she gives him everything she has.
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    (Book 1 Digital Demons Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Working at a game company is just a job, until a cosplay moment opens her eyes to another world beyond her own and exposes her boss for the demon he is.
    Read MoreSerene hasn’t wanted much out of life. A car, a house, a job, and a few friends. That was her list. She ended up with a house that taxed her to the limit, a car that died at work, and a job that paid too little for her to be able to afford a new vehicle. She was thinking about working elsewhere when an urgent request puts her in a situation she wasn’t too fond of. Dressing up as one of the bosses in the game had become part of her job, but she hated doing it in public forums where guys got grabby. A day’s appearance at the convention dressed as the demon queen was an exercise in dodging pinching fingers. The moment she could relax for the display, the crowd went wild. She couldn’t turn to look, but the hand around her wasn’t human, and it pulled her back into what appeared to be the game that she had been seeing all around the office. She wasn’t a gamer. A demon assigns her a few quests, she completes one without trouble. Seducing him is the other. When the demon reveals her boss’s face, she is a lot less hesitant. Waiting for thousands of years for the woman reincarnated with the spirit of his wife has caused a lot of stress for the nameless god. Finding her was one thing, convincing the human soul that she was housed in to agree to let them reunite involved a detailed seduction. It was a good thing he had time to plan.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb One night, ten years ago, they satisfied her hunger, and she ran as fast as she could. Now, they are back in her life, and they want more.
    Read MoreNessa has stayed away from home for ten years, but a plea from estranged family brings her home. Nessa is half faerie, half human, and drains sexual energy from the people around her. Ten years ago, she had a night with two lovers and has not felt the hunger for power since. It all returns in a rush when she helps her cousin save her boss. Nessa knew it was an awkward intervention, but when she recognized two of the VPs she was there to protect, she feels like it has been a setup. She saves the day and settles the men down for a restoring nap when one of them snaps up and plants a tracking spell on her. Oh, yeah. He was the mage to the other one’s dark elf. Hector and Tynan have been waiting for their third. They have kept their eyes out for the last ten years, and when she falls into their laps, they are not letting her go. Stovos, king of the dark court, has watched his son’s attempts to locate the woman and was beginning to doubt his son’s sanity. When the courtship of his son and son-in-law exposes the woman that Stovos has been seeking, he is rocked on his own whirlwind seduction with a harpy of his own. She had been under his nose the entire time.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She’s toxic, he’s fascinated. Putting herself in his path is the easy part. Not taking advantage of their mutual attraction is going to be tough.
    Read MoreShan has arrived on Athon with one purpose, to take part in her friend’s wedding. When things get complicated, she ends up splitting her attention between the bride and the newly landed General Zaber. Zaber is the end of his line. His father was an idiot and all of his half-siblings have followed their father to the grave. Raised by his mother on Kadura, Zaber had a good upbringing that ended abruptly when he was conscripted to take his father’s place in the Athon military. A decade and a half later, he has his father’s rank and no intention on continuing the family line. He is done with bloodlines, but the government of Athon wants to keep his line alive, and they are willing to kidnap members of the populace to ensure it. Shan has already met Zaber, and when the guards interrupt her friend’s engagement party, she is more than irritated but goes with them anyway. When she learns that it was not his idea to kidnap a few dozen women, she steps up and volunteers to take him on as a lover. After all, she is a bridal attendant, isn’t she supposed to be a little reckless with her virtue?
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Born against the odds, Elurra is hunted by her aunt and saved by seven miners who whisk her to safety until her prince can claim her
    Read MoreElurra’s mother was infected by a vampire. Magic held the effects at bay, but when her daughter was born, her mother left the world. Raised by her doting father, Elurra was content with the arranged marriage to a young sandman. His species was known for their skilled and devastating armies, and hers was known for magic and agrarian skills. It was a match that had to wait until the timing was right. Elurra’s father is poisoned, and her stepmother immediately begins a systematic regimen of starving Elurra of the blood that her vampire nature requires. Days stretch into years, until one day, seven dark strangers announced that the sandmen are on the move, and they are coming for Elurra. Her aunt moves to kill her, the miners set out to save her, and her prince comes to her in her dreams. Elurra is tired of being tossed around, and she gets ready to make her own place in the worlds. Survival is no longer enough. She wants to win.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She didn’t want this life or these men. True love’s kiss has ties that bind, and unraveling them is not an easy task... but she is going to try
    Read MoreSallen has been running from her heritage all her life. When her mother suddenly passes, she can’t bring herself to part from the city where they made so many memories. She takes on a job as a courier and settles into a nice routine. Abruptly taken from her apartment, she meets her father’s side of the family, and she doesn’t like what she sees. She’s stripped of her defensive glamour, and her heritage is laid out for all to see. Descended from Rapunzel and the golden goose, her hair brings luck and wealth to any family she joins, but only if she gives it willingly. Her family has other plans. They are going to auction her off to the highest bidder. Desperate for help, she sends a message via the only means at her disposal, and she waits. The master of the guild and his partners arrive and rescue her, but they offer her the same fate with a few alterations. She will choose, true love’s kiss will bind her, and she will agree to honour the kiss. Yeah, that isn’t going to happen.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Offered up by her government, Cyreen is given over to an ancient hero to placate him into cooperation. No pressure
    Read MoreWhen the Hero of Morcud was betrayed and put in stasis, he demanded that if they were ever to wake him, he needed the woman that they had denied him. Five hundred years later, his help is needed, and Cyreen is one of three women with the DNA profile that he demanded. As he is still in his stasis tube, she got a good look at all parts exposed by the clear housing. When he sat up and returned her frank gaze, she is taken aback. The two delicate and lovely creatures that also matched his requirements were huddled together and weeping at the thought of the hybrid general touching them. Cyreen was intrigued. General Xan looks at his options and makes his decision. Cyreen is his, and there is no end date to the contract. Oh, the things she is willing to do to save her world. She had better make a very long list before he puts some trousers on.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb When her sister is murdered by a criminal, Zera sets a plan into action to seek revenge on her own terms. She might enlist a little help
    Read More*warning. contains sexual situations that may not be enjoyed by all readers. mf, fmm, ffmm, and a few fetishes* Zera has grown up on a world where actives develop superpowers and are less than fifteen percent of the population. It is expected that actives serve society, but some of them have other ideas. Zera is a master of weapons design, but her active nature is that of a hopper. She can literally jump into someone else’s body and hide inside. Her sister, Susara, is Suit Bait. She projects vulnerability, which attracts the right and wrong type of interest. When Susara’s soul is shattered and she is left to die, Zera sets a series of actions in motion that involve a superhero escort service, patrons who pay extensively for the pleasure of a superhuman partner, and clients with very specific needs. The Blind Date Corporation arranges dates between patrons and the escorts, while the escorts wear a mask that covers their eyes and blurs the memories of the patrons so that no stalker issues arise. The company is flourishing until one of the original patrons from the days before the masks outs Zera as an escort, and the entire plan of revenge for Susa’s death ramps up a notch. Super.
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    (Book 2 Blind Date Corporation Series) She has something he wants, and it’s embarrassing. Pretending she’s normal loses its appeal in the arms of her own assassin.
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    (Book 3 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Being lucky was all she knew until the man from her past ends up auditing her active status, and she has to choose to run or stay. Run it is.
    Read MoreTirra has had it rough. She started out as a victim, turned into an asset, and ended up as a survivor. Her active life had started in an unorthodox way; her career was the result of years of focus and working for Z-Tech as an executive trainer made it easy for her to transition into designing the training plan for the different escorts of the Blind Date Corporation.

    She spent five years working with the escorts and creating connections with restaurants, hotels, and other venues where dates would take place. As the resort was opened in Aksalla, she was chosen for the position of management when her past arrives to audit her active skills as an analyst. She is shocked by the appearance of the man she used to dread and desire with equal measure.

    Gorith had a party trick that could set any woman off with two points of contact. It had helped him carve out a niche when he was undercover, but when he met the manager of the resort, the echo from his past became a roar for the future. He might be classified as a monster, but he brought the same out in her, and together, they are going to have to fight their way through the dates, protocols, and a family wedding that he wasn’t prepared for.

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    (Book 4 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She has a crush on her boss and just knows he’s a demon in the sack. She just has to wait until she can find out firsthand.
    Read MoreArcady has worked for Z-Tech long enough to apply to their sister company, the Blind Date Corporation. With a tech-based blindfold, she goes on dates with other actives whose powers are compatible with her own.

    She has had a crush on her boss since the day she met him, but it was only when she started spending a few nights each week with other powered beings that he filed his own application to become one of her dates.

    Their first night is magical, but it ends in disaster that brings them close far more quickly than either imagined.

    Dr. Krizt goes from scientist to lover, but no matter his role, one thing is certain. He wants her body.

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    (Book 5 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb He had been her favourite date, so she arranged for him to be the father of her child... should she have told him?
    Read MoreVallu spent over five years as an escort with the Blind Date Corporation. On her last date, she used her activation to provide her with something she needed... a child. She just didn’t tell him. How likely was it that he would run into her in the real world? He was from an island in the bay; she was from a suburb. If she hadn’t stopped downtown for a hotdog, nothing would have happened.

    Etgar has been searching for Five for four months, and while the management of BDC has been no help, he holds out hope that she will be in his arms again... off-contract. When he catches her scent near a hotdog vendor, he follows the scent to the source. She denies her identity as Five, but her scent doesn’t lie. The bright green eyes are a surprise, as is getting shot in the back by a drive-by assassin.

    Vallu heals him in the vehicle as his bodyguards recover him, and he refuses to leave without her. She focuses on stopping the bleeding and repairing him as the men drive them to safety. Well, safety for Etgar. The island he lives on is his family home, and they own it all. She has just been dropped into his own little kingdom, but she has some conditions to remain with him. It isn’t like she has had four months to plan or anything.

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    (The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Tormented by those who should have protected her, Olivia has one chance at an actual life, and she just has to give herself with no reservations.
    Read MoreBorn to blossom into an omega, something in Olivia’s life went wrong. Instead of having her heats and looking for her own alphas, she is defective. Her body gives her pain, and she wants nothing to do with the thought of a sexual liaison with anyone.

    Her sister follows her father’s footsteps and keeps her on their property and running the bed and breakfast, which is a boring existence for Olivia until her heat is due and her rule against taking reservations during that time is broken by her greedy sibling. There is an emergency, and they are going to be hosting a guest.

    No one said the guest would be an alpha.

    What follows is a meeting, a realization, and a rescue that changes not only Olivia’s life but that of her pride as well.

    Argus is just going to a family wedding rehearsal when he begins hearing the phrase defective omega. He has researched a lot of omegas, and there is no such thing as a defective one. When he realizes that these words are describing the dainty little woman who helped his panthers get settled, he has a quick discussion with his pride mates, and they head off to rescue the omega in question. With any luck, she will choose them. If not, they will have to charm her. Either way, Olivia is theirs.

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    (The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Her mates are her own, with one waiting in the wings. Now, she needs to finish what she started and get a little revenge at the same time.
    Read MoreOlivia has been rescued from years of torture and is working to settle into a life with her mates and the omega next door and another feline alpha who wants to join their group. She is gaining confidence, friends, and now, there is one thing to do... go on dates with her mates. Oh, and she has to finish a very important memoir.


    What follows is a meeting, a realization, and a rescue that changes not only Olivia’s life but that of her pride as well.

    Argus is just going to a family wedding rehearsal when he begins hearing the phrase defective omega. He has researched a lot of omegas, and there is no such thing as a defective one. When he realizes that these words are describing the dainty little woman who helped his panthers get settled, he has a quick discussion with his pride mates, and they head off to rescue the omega in question. With any luck, she will choose them. If not, they will have to charm her. Either way, Olivia is theirs.

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    Three Thousand Roses

    (The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Lexa’s life has been a fight, but now, an alpha from her past has offered her protection and safety with the help of two others. For her daughter’s safety, she will pay their price.
    Read MoreLexa’s debut as an omega was traumatic and left her scarred. She has spent the five years since fighting to keep her adopted daughter and keep her sanity

    At the limit of her resources, there is a knock on her door, and the love of her life from five years earlier is standing there, and he finally asks her what happened after he left her. Her answers shake him, and he leaves. There is a certain amount of peace to seeing him again, and she gets on with her life.

    Two weeks later, he returns with an offer of protection and safety with two other alphas of his ursa type who have agreed to form a unit for her benefit. Lexa thinks about the safety of her daughter, and she agrees to meet the first of her prospective mates. His identity shocks her, and his clever tongue makes her head spin.

    The next prospect is terrifying, adorable, and enthusiastic. She gets lost in his arms, and she agrees to his protection. Her original mate from years ago is willing to stand aside and act as guardian, but it doesn’t feel right to ignore him. Their connection feels like it was never broken, and her heart aches for him. Can she really start anew with the man from her past and two charming strangers?

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    (Book 12 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Keeping her nephew safe is her focus, and she applies to an orc clan for protection. The price is set at one night.
    Read MoreJennel is looking to settle down, and Redbird City is the place for it. She and her nephew, Corit, are looking for a place they can be safe from hostile orc clans and a decades-old vision.

    She registers as an elemental with the local mayor’s office, and they connect her with the orc clan speaker. She can apply to him to gain protection for her nephew and, hopefully, entry into a clan.

    Once she’s registered, she returns to her new house to meet the movers, and a parade of orcs moves stuff from the van to the house when she meets her new neighbor.

    Day-ek just got off a shift and noticed the fae woman sitting on the deck and a set of three orcs moving furniture into the house. He comes over to introduce himself, and he takes in her curves and the very frank assessment she gives him and offers to give her a hand. Jennel introduces Day-ek to Corit, and when her mention of having to meet the speaker inspires a grin, she gets a funny feeling about her neighbor.

    When she meets the speaker and he gives her that cheeky grin while he demands a night with him for each of the three clans he speaks for, she knows that Corit is safe, and she’s got a date. And then... things get complicated.

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    (Book 1 Monstrous Ball Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb What girl doesn’t want to go to the ball? Maybe not on Monster Island...
    Read MoreArabella is nearing the end of her work visa on Monster Island when she gets invited to the full moon ball by the mayor of the island. The band that she is given marks her as an invitee of the next full moon ball, and she notices the looks she gets from the locals when they see it. No one else is sporting an all-onyx band.

    After an altercation at work, she ends up needing medical attention, and she is the only one surprised when the mayor arrives and carries her to the med centre, where he introduces her to aspects of his appearance that are not so human.

    He is very good with his tongue.

    Harrow has been waiting centuries for a mate to present herself. Monsters don’t get many chances when the screaming and running start. Arabella is different. When she sees his teeth, she smiles, and when he uses his tongue, she cuddles up for more.

    Only a full night at the ball will determine if they are a match or if heavy petting is where it ends.

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    (Book 2 Monstrous Ball Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Connecting to the sea is one thing; taking a sea monster police chief as a lover is quite another...
    Read MoreMara doesn’t know why she’s on the ferry to Monster Island, but she knows that a job is waiting. She goes through orientation, meets the local police chief, and is taken to her assignment and residence. She’s going to be a waitress.

    Tyron has spent thousands of years waiting to find a human to act as a mate. When he meets Mara, he senses that she has a lovely spirit with a longing for the water, but that’s it. Arabella identifies her as a likely candidate for Tyron, so he made sure to put her where he could find her at his restaurant.

    On her day off, he gives her an invitation to the ball but being uncharacteristically impatient, he proposes a date before the full moon.

    Can a woman who can’t remember her past consider a future with a monster classified as ancient and terrible? Of course. At least she can see this monster coming. It’s purple.

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    (Book 1 Distant Fairy Tales Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit Running from a broken heart sends her home, but home ends up a thousand worlds away, and she ends up at the mercy of the master of the shattered world.
    Read MoreKeva has been having the worst day. She has found out her boyfriend was cheating, gone home to her father’s house, and been teleported across the stars. It has been trying.

    She wakes up trapped in her house with no idea why, and the stars and space station she can see from the house were not there yesterday.

    Azzul won the manor house and all contents in a card game and dispatched drones to bring it to him. It was not supposed to be occupied. The living being in the house should be dead. That puzzle alone has his attention, and watching the human woman walk around the home and grounds convinces him of one thing. She is art personified... and she belongs to him.

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    (Book 4 The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb Alita lives for her horses, but she is pursued by a dragon alpha seeking her specifically. She’s an omega, but she’s in rough shape. Can dragon fire turn her from broken to whole?
    Read MoreAlita has been living in agony with damage from a crushing accident with her every minute of every day. She has found a sideline by working with other omegas as the equestrian in some music videos, but when she gets invited to a party for Lexa, she also falls into the arms of Lexa’s brother-in-law, the dragon alpha Nikolai.

    If Alita knew how close the dragon was to the surface, she would have run. He marks her with dragon fire, and she feels a relief from pain as scarred tissue knits and nerves are soothed.

    AWhen he shows up the next day with his beta Alexi, her family is appalled, but she knows that she has one chance at a life with a mate, an alpha and his beta. She gets in the helicopter, and that new life starts. Her life becomes her, her alpha, their beta, and Nikolai’s dragon. Only one of them never says please.

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    (Book 1 The Betas in Waiting Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb She wants her boss, so she leaves. He wants her, so he follows. Negotiating for her time, he manages a date, and she begins dodging the alpha. Fate will have to take steps.
    Read MoreNora was an excellent administrative assistant until the day a business associate of her boss made an aggressive pass. She tells her boss, and he tells her to thicken her skin, having heard the other male’s version of the event. She can toughen up or quit. She chooses the option that will stop the pain of the dismissal.

    Sabin is shocked when he finds out she is leaving, and he’s devastated when he learns that it is her last day. He had enjoyed having her next to him, breathing in her scent all day every day and spent many hours trying to find a way around the whole employee-employer thing, but now, it was solved for him. A frantic kiss tells him what she tastes like at long last, and now, he has to find a way to get her back to his side.

    Nora ends up in a situation where she smells like a hot omega and is at a party full of alphas. Sabin is there and offers his help for the bargain price of one night.

    That night spins into events that will echo through their lives, and defying families, a curse, and stalkers, they make their way to a family future.


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