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    Series - An Obscure City book 2 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .lrf., epub, pdb Contracted to a wolf pack, she makes a choice that frees her body and shakes the very stone around her. Bound magic is still dangerous.
    Read MoreAtty is contracted to a wolf pack to fulfill a prophecy, and they have educated her to be a good mate to their upcoming king. The night before her wedding makes her throw fate to the winds, and the next day at the ceremony, she rejects all that she had been raised to expect and makes a run for it. Her exit from the pack did not leave her unscathed, so she drives as far as she can and pleads her case to the moon when forced to walk. She sits and draws patterns on the stone under her before feeling serenity flow through her and giving her the strength to continue her journey. Years pass as she goes from menial jobs to manager positions to opening her own café in a downtown highrise. When she meets the building owner, there is something familiar about him, and the familiar thing is her own magic in a huge grey body covered with carved glyphs. How he got her power is a mystery, but the look in his eyes says that they have met before. She hates to think it, but he’s right.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Offered up by her government, Cyreen is given over to an ancient hero to placate him into cooperation. No pressure
    Read MoreWhen the Hero of Morcud was betrayed and put in stasis, he demanded that if they were ever to wake him, he needed the woman that they had denied him. Five hundred years later, his help is needed, and Cyreen is one of three women with the DNA profile that he demanded. As he is still in his stasis tube, she got a good look at all parts exposed by the clear housing. When he sat up and returned her frank gaze, she is taken aback. The two delicate and lovely creatures that also matched his requirements were huddled together and weeping at the thought of the hybrid general touching them. Cyreen was intrigued. General Xan looks at his options and makes his decision. Cyreen is his, and there is no end date to the contract. Oh, the things she is willing to do to save her world. She had better make a very long list before he puts some trousers on.
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    Series - Shattered Stars book 13 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Nova has reinvented herself after surviving two years in the devastation of her dying world, but she didn’t count on being a match for an intergalactic overseer. Relationship goals.
    Read MoreNova stumbled to her own rescue and spent weeks in rehab learning to move again. She studied every minute of every day and learned to fly anything she could find a simulator for. The next time she was in a life-and-death situation, she would be able to fly to safety. The education station pronounced her suitable for a Hmrain and shipped her off to meet him. She meets some other women who are being bonded to the same world, but before she can settle in to meet them, the transport is under attack. The ship’s crew is excellent at defense, but there is one person who happened to train as the centre for the battle formation and activate a deadly weapon by becoming the centre. She has to convince her keeper that she’s allowed to go into battle, and once there, she has the time of her life. Lily nearly died minutes before escaping from Earth. While she is destined for a life as an administrator at a colony, her fate takes a sharp turn when her body sends out a signal, and from across the stars, someone answers.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb Issa went from ex-stripper to intoxicant with one touch of an alpha. Spending years with her skin hidden, she gets the shock of her life after a wedding when a friend introduces her to a familiar face, and her body goes wild... again.
    Read MoreIssa lived her last few years in shadows, going out with all her skin covered until she attended a friend’s wedding and bumped into the guy who started it all for her. He just wants a hookup, and she doesn’t want to play, so she leaves him and returns home after the wedding. Covered up after a nocturnal grocery run, she finds two men on her porch, and one is her would-be hookup. The alphas agree to court her, and she agrees to let them... with conditions. There is a rough start, an awkward mistake, and a truce before they can begin moving forward to join the magic that binds them. Daynette met her alpha years ago, then attacked the same night. She had no memory of the night but one adorable souvenir. When one of Issa’s mates recognizes the little girl’s distinctive features, he makes a call. Daynette’s world tilts as she ends up looking up into eyes that look exactly like her daughter’s. Oh boy. She really wished she could remember their time together.
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She didn’t want to go to Usatho, but her brother needed support. Two years in, her bond was sold, and the Overseer was waiting to take her.
    Read MoreTwo hellish years after the asteroid hit Earth, Mercy and Mender stagger to a pickup point and get taken to the education station. They get medical care, education, and languages. Mender goes through a few queries while Mercy is in medical, and when she is out, he comes to her with the offer. After discussion, they decide that he should take the offer, and he does, but she has to remain with him. It’s his addiction to the contract. Then, they wait. Two years later, her brother is on his way to fulfilling his contract, and his breeding partner decides that she is a drain on resources. He has her hauled to the bond auction with an eye to putting her up for auction before her nephew is born. On a whim, the assessor decides to re-run her compatibility tests due to her physical condition when she arrived, and to his delight, she is now companion-class. The first step is to offer her to the overseer, and he announces that he’s on his way. Mercy serves tea to Overseer Usatho. He looks her over and agrees to offer her a bond contract. She gets to stay on the planet that her twin brother calls home, which is really all that matters.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 10 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb At her sister’s wedding, Olly meets the man who rejected her attempt to explain that she was his beta. Now she has to deal with him changing his mind.
    Read MoreOlly got an invitation from her sister’s groom. She made sure that she was there on the day and watched every ceremony as it happened. Polly was glorious. The only thing that marred the day was that her heat was starting, and the one man who could sense it was there. If she goes through a heat with him, there might be no result, but it would mean she might go a year with her body quiet and calm. The mating is a disaster, but when it is over, she leaves her surprised mate and tries to resume her normal life. Normal was never going to darken her door again.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 9 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb The claw marks on her back came out of nowhere. Being tackled in a hot spring by a businessman, who is a real ogre when the occasion calls, leads her down a path she didn’t expect.
    Read MorePolly had claw marks appear on her back after a business meeting. She didn’t tell anyone, but in hot spring culture, it became harder to conceal. She made the mistake of turning her back on the alpha with her boss, and the rest was history. She broke his nose, and he proposed. That stunned her enough to consider it, and the courtship began. Her boss kept an eye on her, and Minoru eased her into the idea of marriage. In the process of wedding prep, Polly met a bunch of women who each had a different mark on their back, and they bonded under the weight of being marked for alphas they hadn’t even met by a hand they hadn’t seen. In addition to that, Polly was dealing with threats from her sister’s pack, and after a few kidnapping attempts, her alpha stepped in. Who knew that wedding prep was so complicated.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 9 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb A bachelorette party brings Drin to the attention of the boss of the nightclub, Hell. Her problem is that he’s a long-standing crush and patron, and he knows it.
    Read MoreDrin has a miserable life. She is constantly scrounging for money, fighting for respect, and hiding her activation. As far as she knows, she is a muse. She gives her targets inspiration and intellect, but her body pays the price. A metabolic active uses their body to power their manifestation, and Drin spends her life hungry as her body burns power to survive in public. She is asked to sing in public to help a bachelorette gain a win in a live singing competition, but she ends up going against the city’s most popular male singer. They sing a duet, and her opponent is so thrilled that he grabs her and kisses her. She drops him with her knee, and the club goes silent. The devil emerges and walks toward her. She sees him coming and is shocked to see her best friend’s brother approaching her, and she’s stunned when he kisses her in front of several hundred partiers. He sweeps her to his lair, and they have a short conversation involving her work for the Blind Date Corporation as his escort. A day later and she’s being arrested for breaking a restraining order. Her best friend’s family has blocked her, but now, she is hauled to lock-up for talking to Vikor. Things can only get better from there, right? When the devil arrives to defend her, her case is won, and her heart is lost.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 12 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb Penny’s life just flipped. She’s been fired without cause, found by her stalker, and had to engage a lawyer. And her day is about to get worse.
    Read MorePenny thought life was good until her ex-boyfriend comes into her office with his current girlfriend—her boss—on his arm. When the new girlfriend leaves them alone for a minute, he attacks with alarming brutality, but Penny is the one who loses her job. After a few weeks, she gets a lawyer, who tells her she can call anytime. So, when she survives an attack by her ex, she calls him, and he meets her at the hospital. Jax is an alpha with extras, and his situation is similar to Penny’s. He has one appendage that she is aware of—his five-year-old daughter. Over the course of a week, Penny has to go from nothing to being offered a pack-style living arrangement with Jax, his daughter, and another alpha who also has an aquatic adaptation. If she says no, they will still help but not give up, and if she says yes, she can throw a five-year-old’s birthday party. It’s no contest.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 13 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Amadine has wanted to pay her sister back for the ultimate kindness, and this was the only way she could do it. She just needs a medic, a guardian, and a wilderness expert. Good thing that she can hire one from the BDC.
    Read MoreAmadine Heckler hasn’t had the most predictable life, but it has been short. When she turned five, she was the size of her genetic donor, and she looked into sad, steel eyes through the sides of the tank she had grown in. Ondine was still heavily damaged, but she had refused to take over the body that had been grown for her when she realized that a mind already occupied it. Amadine was educated, dressed, housed, and given employment counselling. She became a children’s author, and when she was six, her activation came online. She shared her sister’s quiet home and had friends who didn’t know who her sibling was. She thought long and hard about what to give Ondine for the life and freedom she had surrendered. She had no idea that Ondine was thinking the same thing.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 15 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Stuck with the scars of an impulsive decision, Ula finds herself in the clutches of those who offer to help... for a price.
    Read MoreUla is volunteering at a day camp when one of her co-volunteers notices that she is having difficulty. He helps to get in touch with a healer to help her through a past issue, and it starts her in a tumble down a rabbit hole with alphas her only option to land on. Ula’s best friend, Merry, supports her in her introduction to the fox alphas that match Ula’s bunny. With a deep sigh, Merry leaves Ula to introduce herself to her final alpha and settles down in the club to wait. Merry feels a tingle on her skin and studiously avoids looking to her right where her own alphas are enjoying their evening. Of course, they didn’t know they were hers, but she did. Her beast had taken her out and tattooed their beasts on her back. It was hard not to know when the marks were staring at her in the mirror when she dressed in the morning. Their attention is caught, and they focus on her and the tattoos visible in her cocktail dress. Understanding dawns quickly, and when she opens her wings to get away, it sets a series of events in motion that have her in their arms before the evening is out. As best friends, they have always done things together, but Ula and Merry have to draw the line at sharing mates. They each have more than enough to keep them busy.
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    Series - Shattered Stars book 11 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb She left Earth to survive as a labourer, but things changed, and she was swept up in finding a new life that made her old one look like purgatory.
    Read MoreGetting herself and her sister through the end of the world would have been a lot easier if Lily hadn’t been at her high school reunion. Taking care of over a dozen whining women had grated on her nerves. Getting to the rescue vessels had been a relief. Iris breezed through the training and learned as many languages as possible. She made some friends outside her collected group, but none of that meant anything when she was bundled into a sleeping pod and launched into space with the rest. She woke up with her sister nearby, and the rest of her arrival day went in a blur. There was a rushed landing, a sandstorm, and then a man, who smelled like summer, rescued her from the new world that was trying to kill her. She was given a few scans, and he insisted she gets medical treatment for old injuries. Time went by, and when she was discharged from the med centre, she had an interesting diagnosis for her current status. She was a companion class Terran, and Yavor was a Hmrain in search of a companion. It was like he had this planned all along.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb The wedding was lovely. Brit wasn’t going, but when her sister’s time at the reception gets uncomfortable, nothing could stop her from lending a hand by becoming bait.
    Read MoreBrit got a call from her sister and headed off to the wedding on Daycross Island. She just had to pull a tracking device out of her foot before going. Being the only current multi-morph on record makes her very popular with law enforcement and espionage agencies. She doesn’t want to play with either. She finds her sister, understands what’s needed, and coordinates with one of Ylara’s associates to distract the three alphas stalking her sister due to her state of heat. Brit changes to her sister’s form and makes a run through the woods, but an unearthly howl follows her, and she is soon up a tree with nowhere to go. Denier knows that the scent is wrong for his original target, but he can’t resist running prey. The scent is what he has been looking for, and he sets out to catch it.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Ylara just wanted to enjoy the wedding. Her heat should have been under control. Attracting one alpha would have been bad enough, but having her choice out of three makes her head spin.
    Read MoreYlara had a lovely time at Vallu’s wedding. She caught the bouquet, danced the night away, and only then noticed that her dance partners followed her every move. She panics and tries to make a break for it, but they block her path. She does what any sensible woman would do; she hides in a broom closet and calls for help from every friend or family member she can think of. When her troops arrive, they offer support and a plan. Sabine urges her to choose her alpha to help deal with her heat. They all know what torture it is to leave it unanswered, so leave her to make up her mind. Picking the guy with the giant scorpion tail might not have been the most sensible thing, but it feels right. When he holds her close and promises to take care of her, she believes him. Whether she trusts him is another matter entirely.
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    Series - Blind Date Corp (book 6) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Sabine is enjoying the reception until she gets a distress call and goes to pitch in by distracting some alphas so her friend could escape. The alphas just changed their focus and split up. The ladies scattered, and the hunt was on.
    Read MoreSabine has been recovering from work-related damage. An active nearly crushed her spine. She’s now on crutches until a walking suit can be arranged, and coordinating formalwear with crutches is harder than it looks. Watching her friend Vallu get married to the large furry man of her dreams and the father of her baby was sweet, and the reception was fun. With the crutches, Sabine had to skip the dances, but she enjoyed every moment of the party. The bride and groom were long gone when she got a call from another guest and answered the call for help. Ylara was being cornered by three alphas who didn’t mind sharing, and that was not something she was interested in. With three ladies gathered to distract the guys, they split off to deal with their individual alpha. Shaking them off was another matter. Sabine ends up with a muscle-bound water-breather on her trail, and dealing with him and her injuries is just too complicated. She makes a few decisions that change the direction of her life and twist her future into something she could not have imagined.
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Kidnapped, ransomed, and rejected, she didn’t think things could get any worse until she realized that the rescue approaching was going to have conditions.
    Read MoreMisty survived a horrible life and terrible parents and siblings to make it across the stars when her world ended. Those that hurt her were on the same ship. Family groups needed to be kept together, and she accepted that her suffering wasn’t going to end. Four and a half years of a menial job later, she meets a few people that are genuinely kind, and she enjoys the kindness while it lasts. A few days later, she is kidnapped and held for ransom, and no one will pay. She is ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder when a rescuer appears, and it is the person who offered her kindness at the café. Now, he is offering a contract, and she doesn’t have another option. She will sign a contract with the overseer and see how long she lasts.
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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb A scheming vampire, a unicorn with a job to do, and a mage who thought her power was gone, leaving her unremarkable.
    Read MoreAlly surrendered her magic as a teen. Her sister was the family heir, and Ally just wanted to leave her home and start off in a new city. She takes on odd jobs and ends up as a secure courier. Weeks before her twenty-seventh birthday, she takes a delivery that goes wrong and ends up with her being bound to the vampire king of the city. She decides to run, but he thwarts her, and after experiencing brunch with the vampire, she agrees to give him a chance to seduce her. Being seduced by a vampire takes time. There has to be formality, organization, and an opener. Ally had never heard of openers, but they were used when there were physical issues between the more aggressive of the races and usually the hapless human. The openers were unicorn stallions with a talent for easing things between normally incompatible species. Ally agrees to it, but there is one problem. She knows the unicorn. Bastien was the brother of one of her best friends, and he had been in training when she had seen him last. She had never imagined that she would see him again and that he would see all of her. Ally had sought to live her life quietly, to be unremarkable, but now, she was in the spotlight, and her family was calling her to defend her life, her freedom, and her new mates. She was taking her family down.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 14 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Bumping into her ex-boyfriend ten years later was unexpected, but having their attraction flare and include two other alphas was shocking, even without the dragons.
    Read MoreEliana was travelling to become her friend’s nanny. The journey on the private plane was long, but the presence of a familiar face made it an eternity. Ten years earlier, her then-boyfriend had marked her and left town. It had been a shocking turn of events. He had told her he loved her, then morphed into a dragon and pressed fire onto her back. Efforts by friends had stilled the fire in her and left the mark hollow, and now... here he was with two friends, and they were all staring at her. Life as a nanny was short. Keahi, Nalu, and Mano all began courting her, and her new boss decided that she could start later or not at all. Dealing with a decade-long hurt was difficult. Dealing with two dragons and a giant shark was easy in comparison. Can the fairy tale restart with a deep dive into the ocean, or will it sink before it swims?
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