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Stand Alone Books

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  • e-Book
    (Book 1 Distant Fairy Tales Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit Running from a broken heart sends her home, but home ends up a thousand worlds away, and she ends up at the mercy of the master of the shattered world.
    Read MoreKeva has been having the worst day. She has found out her boyfriend was cheating, gone home to her father’s house, and been teleported across the stars. It has been trying.

    She wakes up trapped in her house with no idea why, and the stars and space station she can see from the house were not there yesterday.

    Azzul won the manor house and all contents in a card game and dispatched drones to bring it to him. It was not supposed to be occupied. The living being in the house should be dead. That puzzle alone has his attention, and watching the human woman walk around the home and grounds convinces him of one thing. She is art personified... and she belongs to him.

  • e-Book
    (Book 2 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Alphy needs a guide, a pilot, and a companion. Who knew that Lexo could fit all requirements?
    Read MoreAlone on a station with only the voices in her head, Alphy needs to get in touch with the humans who are left out in space, and that means moving her ship. The trouble that she has is that the station was never designed to be flown by someone who didn’t even have a driving license. Lexo has only been out of stasis for less than a week, but he jumps at the chance to leave his sister and her lover behind to seek out the bliss of the stars once again. Programmed to rage against the enemy, he must work to keep himself calm when confronted with a woman who activates his nervous system on sight. Lust has to take a back seat to the flight of the station; he just needs to find out what the huge ship is actually designed to do. When Alphy finds out that there have been changes made to her systems, she must face being a freak among cyborgs with her altered design.
  • e-Book
    (An Obscure Magic series box set which includes, books 1-3.) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb
    Read MoreBook 1: One Part Human Benny has lived her life in the shadows, avoiding the public eye. Her life as a recipe blogger pays the bills and lets her socialize, but she is about to get the assignment of a lifetime. Her boss orders her into a one-week ride-along with agents of the XIA, the eXtranormal Investigation Agency. It is the anniversary of the agency and they need to improve public opinion. A week doesn't seem like much time to learn about an organization that deals with the daily paranormal exploits of the population, but time flies when the assignments go from casual crime to murders that have one pivot point. Benny. Book 2: Two Parts Demon Training to join her team on their rounds is easy compared to fighting the stigma of demon blood. They are on administrative leave until they have been cleared of her possible influence. After a night on the town with Freddy, Benny runs into her team at her favourite taco truck and suddenly things get personal. Karaoke, kidnapping and binding spells make up the rest of the night and when Benny has to rescue her parents from the demon zone, the guys are with her all the way. Nothing like jumping into a dimensional prison to lock in a first date. Book 3: Three Parts Fey With her binding to her partners Benny feels safe and settled. She wants to start her career in the XIA and make a place for herself. The past has other ideas. A complicated relationship makes for complicated inlaws and they begin to make the rounds to get approval for their group while Benny's family faces the past once again.
  • e-Book
    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She’s toxic, he’s fascinated. Putting herself in his path is the easy part. Not taking advantage of their mutual attraction is going to be tough.
    Read MoreShan has arrived on Athon with one purpose, to take part in her friend’s wedding. When things get complicated, she ends up splitting her attention between the bride and the newly landed General Zaber. Zaber is the end of his line. His father was an idiot and all of his half-siblings have followed their father to the grave. Raised by his mother on Kadura, Zaber had a good upbringing that ended abruptly when he was conscripted to take his father’s place in the Athon military. A decade and a half later, he has his father’s rank and no intention on continuing the family line. He is done with bloodlines, but the government of Athon wants to keep his line alive, and they are willing to kidnap members of the populace to ensure it. Shan has already met Zaber, and when the guards interrupt her friend’s engagement party, she is more than irritated but goes with them anyway. When she learns that it was not his idea to kidnap a few dozen women, she steps up and volunteers to take him on as a lover. After all, she is a bridal attendant, isn’t she supposed to be a little reckless with her virtue?
  • e-Book
    (Book 1 Mechanical Advantage Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A woman under repair with a skill for assessing survival meets a previous acquaintance who is now more than a match for her..
    Read MoreIn the year 2280, Earth has been at war for a decade. The Splice take the humans they capture and use them for parts. Sending bots in place of humans didn’t work, but taking the wounded and turning them into cyborgs has enabled Earth to push the Splice away from Earth. The combination of metal and man is turning the tide in a war that no one could have imagined. Adaptation Base is where the wounded are recycled into enhanced warriors, and when a terrorist action takes out the administration, the newest cyborgs will have to take things into their own hands. When Stitch comes to, her position as an assessment officer is still valid, but her new location on the front lines means a lot of adjustment. The men she had designed from the wounds out are now her team, and finding the one who had flirted his way into her heart—after all this time—leaves her vulnerable to his mechanical advantage.
  • e-Book
    (Book 7 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Donder is a holiday designer asked to spruce up a pleasure club, and the Master is interested in more than her designs.
    Read MoreDoni is having fun during the weeks before the holidays. She has never enjoyed herself more. After a variety of successful jobs, her boss sheepishly asks her to take on one more client before the holidays strike. The private club caters to those with an adventurous bent and the money to ensure their privacy. Doni needs to bring a little joy and sparkle to their themed rooms, and she dives into the project with enthusiasm. Bern has been watching for the reindeer to cross his path, but he never expected it to come in such an amazing form. Christmas has never looked more perfect.
  • e-Book
    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Born against the odds, Elurra is hunted by her aunt and saved by seven miners who whisk her to safety until her prince can claim her
    Read MoreElurra’s mother was infected by a vampire. Magic held the effects at bay, but when her daughter was born, her mother left the world. Raised by her doting father, Elurra was content with the arranged marriage to a young sandman. His species was known for their skilled and devastating armies, and hers was known for magic and agrarian skills. It was a match that had to wait until the timing was right. Elurra’s father is poisoned, and her stepmother immediately begins a systematic regimen of starving Elurra of the blood that her vampire nature requires. Days stretch into years, until one day, seven dark strangers announced that the sandmen are on the move, and they are coming for Elurra. Her aunt moves to kill her, the miners set out to save her, and her prince comes to her in her dreams. Elurra is tired of being tossed around, and she gets ready to make her own place in the worlds. Survival is no longer enough. She wants to win.
  • e-Book
    (Book 7 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A mage, a destiny and a surprising pedigree. It is hard to juggle new discoveries with a dragon on her tail. Minerva enjoys her life as a master mage. She creates spells that no one has seen before and enjoys her family and friends. She will do anything for them, and she has.
    Read MoreHer side job is to act as an intermediary between extranatural races, and that is what she is doing the day that she walks into the dragon’s den. Running from the dragon makes her confront her origins, and things get even more complicated from there. Zemuel is an ancient being that owns lands and mines that contain strategic materials for other races. All he asks for an audience, is that he be entertained by the envoy. Minerva has her work cut out for her. She really should have stuck to business only. So, mate-hungry dragons, ancient gods and a surprising pedigree mean that Minerva’s world just turned upside-down, and anchoring herself will mean surrendering a piece of her soul.
  • e-Book
    (Book 6 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Cupid takes a position managing a stressed-out crew at Christmas, and she finds a lawyer with an interest in her stockings.
    Read MoreCupid launched herself into organizing a branch of Legal Aid only to meet a handsome lawyer who sends her senses into disarray. Watching the families who needed help and those who were paid to help them was an education. No one stayed unless they had a feel for the job and all of those working with her want nothing more than relief of stress for their clients. When Tyr arrives as holiday relief, he sweeps through their caseload like magic. His interest in late-night takeout and casual chatter are enough to catch and keep her attention, but when she realizes who and what he is, her holiday season goes from snowbound to hot.
  • e-Book
    Series - An Obscure City book 2 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .lrf., epub, pdb Contracted to a wolf pack, she makes a choice that frees her body and shakes the very stone around her. Bound magic is still dangerous.
    Read MoreAtty is contracted to a wolf pack to fulfill a prophecy, and they have educated her to be a good mate to their upcoming king. The night before her wedding makes her throw fate to the winds, and the next day at the ceremony, she rejects all that she had been raised to expect and makes a run for it. Her exit from the pack did not leave her unscathed, so she drives as far as she can and pleads her case to the moon when forced to walk. She sits and draws patterns on the stone under her before feeling serenity flow through her and giving her the strength to continue her journey. Years pass as she goes from menial jobs to manager positions to opening her own café in a downtown highrise. When she meets the building owner, there is something familiar about him, and the familiar thing is her own magic in a huge grey body covered with carved glyphs. How he got her power is a mystery, but the look in his eyes says that they have met before. She hates to think it, but he’s right.
  • e-Book
    (Book 4 Betas in Waiting Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, No good deed goes unpunished. A snowy bit of assistance links her to a blood alpha and sends her into a world she never asked for.
    Read MoreCoralynn does just enough to get by. There is no point in trying harder; the world always pulls her down.

    She works at a restaurant in a ridiculous outfit and is ordered to rescue a limo and help some wealthy investors get to their establishment. It is the moment that Coralynn’s life skids sideways.

    Meeting a blood alpha in the snow was surprising. Having him show up at her home was astonishing. Feeling her body changing to accommodate him is disturbing.

    She becomes his lover, shares his bed, and starts to believe that her life might stay bright, and then, an attack, injuries, and a long recovery time with the book club’s caretakers makes her re-evaluate her place in the world and how lonely life was when the trust was brutally destroyed.

  • e-Book
    (Book 3 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Programming nanites isn’t a hobby; it is in her blood. Time to break the mold and see what she can do.
    Read MoreLucky was holding the bomb that blew the staff of Adaptation Base to pieces. Instead of suffering from the blast, the acid in the device consumed her soft tissues. From the moment she came out of medical on a new base, she has been working to assist the cyborgs of the base with customizing the fit and flex of their new adaptations. When her friends come for her, she is relieved, but the station isn’t interested in parting with her quite that easily. The resulting hostilities drive some wedges in the two factions, but a Splice attack has everyone seeing sense in no time. Nervous around human men, her friends assign Lucky a bodyguard with large wings and rainbow eyes. He is polite, charming, a biologist, and very attentive. If he plays his cards right, he just might get Lucky.
  • e-Book
    (Book 1 Destined Enchantment Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf Hiding from her demon lord has always seemed pointless, but she learned on the way. Now, she is ready to face him and her destiny.
    Read MoreShe has worn a dozen names in her foster parents’ efforts to hide her from her demon lord. The name she used at the healer academy was Emrie, so that is how she set up her practice. Tribute night was the demon lord’s birthday, and it was while she tended patients that she noted the time. She gets caught at a checkpoint and is forced to cover her presence with magic, but in her haste, she forgets one thing, her tribute. Demon Lord Harrow has been looking for his mate with increasing urgency as the years have gone by. When he is looking over his tribute from the village of Neemin, he catches a familiar scent. He has caught this scent only once before, but he knows it. She is near. He confirms that the guards at the checkpoint came in contact with his mate, and then, he sets out to do what he has been longing for, claiming his bride.
  • e-Book
    (Book 2 Destined Enchantment Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, PDB Training to be a queen, she just needs to find and enchant her king. Revenge can wait until she is settled. Viika barely survived her first night at the bride school. Waking up to being nursed by a demon was hard enough, but having Emrie sooth and heal her took her by surprise. The world around her was not what she had been told.
    Read MoreDemons were wise and powerful, wizards did not always know what they were doing. Witches were common for the powered folks, and Viika was an exception in the crowd. Controlling her hatred for the vampires who had tortured her meant learning to see them—and judge them—as individuals. It was a life lesson that helped her through the following years. Once she was grown, it was time to seek out her king or, rather, find a witch lord to raise to the position of king. He could only rise to power with a queen of his own, and she was willing to go shopping for her king. After a false start, she finds her match and sets about combining her power with his. It isn’t for the faint of heart, but he meets her advances head-on, and together, they set about restoring the balance in the place she once called home.
  • e-Book
    (Book 5 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Led by her dreams, she finds her way into the stars where fate conspires to put her exactly where she needs to be, in a hero’s path.
    Read MoreWhen her parents died, Lyra was untethered. She left school, followed her dreams, and focused on keeping herself alive. She is not a fan of people and enjoys being alone. After the asteroid hit, she spends sometime surviving and the rest looking for one of the evacuation posts. She finds it and agrees to the caveat that she will be given a job placement that suits her skills. Across the stars, she works as a security unit pilot, steering a large, heavy bot around and keeping watch over a rehab hospital for superheroes. As a hazing ritual, a few of the guardians sneak out to try and unmask the new security unit, so when confronted with a handsome man landing on her chest, she does what any girl would do. She shoots him in the face and then has to deal with the fallout of stunning the overseer’s only son. It isn’t love at first sight, but weeks later, when she is enjoying a day off, they collide under far more romantic circumstances, and their unorthodox courtship continues.
  • e-Book
    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She didn’t want this life or these men. True love’s kiss has ties that bind, and unraveling them is not an easy task... but she is going to try
    Read MoreSallen has been running from her heritage all her life. When her mother suddenly passes, she can’t bring herself to part from the city where they made so many memories. She takes on a job as a courier and settles into a nice routine. Abruptly taken from her apartment, she meets her father’s side of the family, and she doesn’t like what she sees. She’s stripped of her defensive glamour, and her heritage is laid out for all to see. Descended from Rapunzel and the golden goose, her hair brings luck and wealth to any family she joins, but only if she gives it willingly. Her family has other plans. They are going to auction her off to the highest bidder. Desperate for help, she sends a message via the only means at her disposal, and she waits. The master of the guild and his partners arrive and rescue her, but they offer her the same fate with a few alterations. She will choose, true love’s kiss will bind her, and she will agree to honour the kiss. Yeah, that isn’t going to happen.
  • e-Book
    (Book 2 Distant Fairy Tales Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb An accidental meeting leads to a connection that will last forever... if they ever meet again.
    Read MoreEjected from her home, Nyna is forced to run across the city to her grandmother’s house. If she had known it was the night of her first heat, she might have jumped into the sewers instead of trying to outrun the huntsmen of the Overlord of Y’tel.

    Trapped in a colony city, she runs as fast as she can wearing her red cloak. The canine heads of the Lyron hunters focus on her, but they are waiting for the bell that lets them hunt. She hates that damned bell.

    Sornoth sees the flicker of red, catches her scent, and waits impatiently, quickly beating the fellow huntsmen who would have pursued her before he chases after her himself.

    When he catches her, the taste of her burns itself into his brain, and after he marks her, he sends her on to her destination. It will be two and a half years before they meet again, and when he meets his son for the first time, things change.

  • e-Book
    (Book 5 Betas in Waiting Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, Jess became an archer after a meeting on an aircraft. Now she has to wonder what she was matched with. The centaur at her door is a shock.
    Read MoreJess has been a faithful ward of the minotaur herd until the day she is out of her mind with heat, and her dream man walks up to her door and brings her flowers. She grabs him, throws him to the floor, and has her way with him until he calls a halt and tells her he’s only willing to go all the way if he can show her the rest of him. Intriguing. Things get complicated, but she gets to home base with her centaur and is interrupted again by friends and family.

    Time passes, and they reunite under stressful circumstances but eventually agree on a union, another partner, and a future.

    Stihl has been pretending that everything will be fine, but with no job prospects, she is drifting from couch to couch until an urgent request from the book club puts her back in action as a chef. The wedding leads to her meeting up with her one-night stand, and he still is waiting for an omega.

    She has no choice but to run home, beg for help, and submit to her grandmother’s plans for her. It is the last thing she wants, but the only thing she can think of to save herself and her children. If their father doesn’t want them, she will find a path of her own, back through high society with an arranged marriage, just like her grandmother wanted.

  • e-Book
    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Offered up by her government, Cyreen is given over to an ancient hero to placate him into cooperation. No pressure
    Read MoreWhen the Hero of Morcud was betrayed and put in stasis, he demanded that if they were ever to wake him, he needed the woman that they had denied him. Five hundred years later, his help is needed, and Cyreen is one of three women with the DNA profile that he demanded. As he is still in his stasis tube, she got a good look at all parts exposed by the clear housing. When he sat up and returned her frank gaze, she is taken aback. The two delicate and lovely creatures that also matched his requirements were huddled together and weeping at the thought of the hybrid general touching them. Cyreen was intrigued. General Xan looks at his options and makes his decision. Cyreen is his, and there is no end date to the contract. Oh, the things she is willing to do to save her world. She had better make a very long list before he puts some trousers on.
  • e-Book
    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb A beauty injured in the line of duty trades her remaining life for her father’s as a living trophy for an ancient beast.
    Read MoreAllura was shot in the line of duty, and the radiation is slowly eating her cells. Her life will not be long, so she is discharged and sent home to die. Her father was off on a trading mission, and he runs afoul of a terrifying creature who straps an explosive device to his head to ensure that the merchant will send the most beautiful thing that he sees back to the beast. Allura doesn’t mind leaving home. She doesn’t want to have her family watch her fall apart. She agrees to be something pretty for the monster to look at for as long as it lasts. The creature has a plan, an agenda, and he is willing to spend the rest of Allura’s life pursuing it. It is a good thing that he has the cure for her particular brand of radiation poisoning. As long as she abides by his rules, she gets the treatment, whether she knows she is being treated or not.
  • e-Book
    (Book 4 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb She would do anything to survive, including getting herself damaged and off the companion list. A Hmrain finds her in an unlikely place for an unlikely partnership.
    Read MoreAthena made it to a pickup point, past the physical, and up to the education station. Her training was difficult, but when she found out she was a likely candidate for companionship to a Hmrain, she took drastic action. Being disfigured was the one situation that the station would accept to lower her classification and position her in the bulk-purchase category. Her bond would be purchased as part of a group acquisition, and she would be able to earn out her price on some alien world before she swept out to travel the stars, working as she went. With her goal in mind, she put herself in the path of the most toxic creature on the station, and she ticked it off. The resulting scar across her face did the job. She was out. It was just her luck that when she was on her new planet, she was very good at her job. Her team comes to the attention of the Hmrain overseer, and her planning has come to naught.
  • e-Book
    (Book 1 An Dark Tails Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Four dark tales of erotica that go under the sea, into a haunted mansion, beneath the earth, and into the woods. Who will survive?
    Read MoreSea Men – Emmy is abandoned to the ocean for refusing to cross the friend-zone barrier finds herself the object of interest for some mermen as she loses her grip on reality. Swipe Right – Molly is on a first date. Her realtor companion decides to show her an unsellable house. When he makes a move she rebuffs him, but not in time to stop his girlfriend from seeing them. Cross Country – Lea is with friends and a guide on a skiing weekend, but she isn’t as fast as her companions. After a flurry, she is lost and they are gone. Finding shelter is her prime concern with night creeping in, but the mythical beast she has to share a cave with has more than sleep on his mind. Camping Out – after a stressful wedding Sara is tired of being the bridesmaid. Now here she is, forced to camp with friends while she remains in the only solo tent. She pitches her small site away from the others. The scratch on her flap in the middle of the night is definitely something that wants to know her better as it hauls her into the woods.
  • e-Book
    Series - Shattered Stars book 13 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, pdb Nova has reinvented herself after surviving two years in the devastation of her dying world, but she didn’t count on being a match for an intergalactic overseer. Relationship goals.
    Read MoreNova stumbled to her own rescue and spent weeks in rehab learning to move again. She studied every minute of every day and learned to fly anything she could find a simulator for. The next time she was in a life-and-death situation, she would be able to fly to safety. The education station pronounced her suitable for a Hmrain and shipped her off to meet him. She meets some other women who are being bonded to the same world, but before she can settle in to meet them, the transport is under attack. The ship’s crew is excellent at defense, but there is one person who happened to train as the centre for the battle formation and activate a deadly weapon by becoming the centre. She has to convince her keeper that she’s allowed to go into battle, and once there, she has the time of her life. Lily nearly died minutes before escaping from Earth. While she is destined for a life as an administrator at a colony, her fate takes a sharp turn when her body sends out a signal, and from across the stars, someone answers.
  • e-Book
    (Book 1 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Dasher gains life as a human, but she is missing a connection. She wants a mate and is willing to do whatever it takes to find one.
    Read MoreOne of nine reindeer that pulls Santa’s sleigh, Dasher wants nothing more than to find a partner, a mate, someone to be with. With the restrictions in the workshop, she has only one choice—she goes to the human world and starts trying men on for size. The down side to mating with a human is that they don’t remember her the following day. The depressing point is that none of them have the stamina to keep up with her and there are no second chances. Every time is the first time with a human. When she is assigned to a shop that needs an emergency audit, she enjoys the thrill of digging through the messy paperwork, and she has plans for the proprietor. One time might be enough if it was with him. Argus has been sent to bring back a reindeer, but the woman with smoldering dark eyes is more than he was banking on. She seems nice, but he wants her naughty.
  • e-Book
    (Book 5 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Trading her services to a vampire king is a price Leo pays gladly, but her human life is not on the table.
    Read MoreLeonora has managed to save her pregnant sister from a vampire attack, but to insure the safety of her sister and niece, Leo is willing to pay with everything but her life. Covered in her own blood, she approaches the Mayor of Redbird City - who happens to be the local vampire king - and makes a deal. She will serve him as his assistant if he will keep her sister and niece from being torn apart. Matthias agrees willingly to take on a new assistant and sends his men out to keep her sister safe. It is the beginning of a partnership that will make her his apprentice, send her to negotiate for dragons, visit crime scenes and keep her doing his bidding while her sister’s attackers rally and prepare to try again. Leo picks up her baseball bat and gets ready for the fight of her life.
  • e-Book
    (Book 3 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb A stranger walks through the woods and offers to take her from her broken world. Hell yes. With conditions.
    Read MoreWith the asteroid looming, she makes a run for a family farm and the animals therein. After the crash with communications cut off, she lives a routine of subsistence and survival with no other soul to speak to. When a stranger walks up to her, silver skin and black hair, he introduces himself and offers her a way out. Life in the stars with him. She counters that her animals have to come as well. There is some negotiation, and he agrees to send her a tutor so that this is all done legally. Then, he flies away. To her surprise, her hallucination was as good as his word, and she is swept into a world of etiquette, manners, and languages. Her life in the stars has a specific pattern. She is a body servant, a bondservant, a companion, and a mistress, but she has to do it all with the same haircut. Tricky stuff.
  • e-Book
    (Book 1 The Betas in Waiting Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb She wants her boss, so she leaves. He wants her, so he follows. Negotiating for her time, he manages a date, and she begins dodging the alpha. Fate will have to take steps.
    Read MoreNora was an excellent administrative assistant until the day a business associate of her boss made an aggressive pass. She tells her boss, and he tells her to thicken her skin, having heard the other male’s version of the event. She can toughen up or quit. She chooses the option that will stop the pain of the dismissal.

    Sabin is shocked when he finds out she is leaving, and he’s devastated when he learns that it is her last day. He had enjoyed having her next to him, breathing in her scent all day every day and spent many hours trying to find a way around the whole employee-employer thing, but now, it was solved for him. A frantic kiss tells him what she tastes like at long last, and now, he has to find a way to get her back to his side.

    Nora ends up in a situation where she smells like a hot omega and is at a party full of alphas. Sabin is there and offers his help for the bargain price of one night.

    That night spins into events that will echo through their lives, and defying families, a curse, and stalkers, they make their way to a family future.

  • e-Book
    (Book 2 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Trained, stalked, and marked for death was not her plan for the day. Time for a road trip to clear her head.
    Read MoreTrin has trained to be stealthy, trained to defend herself, but when a bounty on her head threatens the safety of her friends, she has to get out of town. Visiting a friend and mixing business with her escape, she learns that dragons mixing their bloodlines may be more common than anyone thought. She spends enough time in Breaker City ordering tea and ceramics to figure out what she wants to do next, and what she wants to do is find out who and where she came from. Learning the details of her family tree leaves her shaken, but nothing can hold her back when it comes to following her instincts. Not even the very folk she came to meet.
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    (Book 5 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Born nameless in a tank, they try and make her into a weapon, but she chooses defiance.
    Read MoreEltrinia sounds like a good name, and Lem comes naturally. After falling through the sky during a lightning storm, Eltrinia is free of the tube that they grew her in, and while she doesn’t yet know her name, she knows that she needs to get in touch with society. A fisherman and his wife take her in, and a shore patrolman offers to take her to safety, but minimal contact with him tells her all she needs to know. The valley wants her back, she is expensive, and they have scouts looking everywhere for her. Her captor thinks he is in charge, but that is when he meets the lightning. After that, things get a little blurry.
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    (Book 7 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Thrown from the life she thought she knew, Zzara has to restart her existence with no mother, no father, as a dragon denied.
    Read MoreZzara was excited and happy on the day it all fell apart. Her father had married another dragon and the new lady of the house had no interest in his mistress living on her new property. Her mother takes her own life, her father is trying to pretend that she doesn’t exist, but that is not something Zzara is willing to tolerate. Not anymore. The investigators bring her to her father’s house and Zzara makes sure that her father’s new wife understands what her threats brought about. She flees to the desert, a plan to start over at Rekker City, but she takes a few days to mourn. A hidden child, she had never had a plan for a life away from her mother. She meets those who are willing to help her make those first steps and then she is off and running.
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    (Book 6 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Working out tension during some light espionage seems like the thing to do while pondering her future.
    Read MoreEltrinia has been progressing. She is the master of the on-loan gallery, she takes tours of all ages around, and she has been recruited for operative training at the capital. Learning combat tactics in sparring matches with Trin is bizarrely fun. It is like looking into a tinted mirror. When she finally gets clearance for her first mission, she is paired with Inoth and must wait for her paperwork before she can go and play spy. They finally make their way to their assignment. It turns out that he gets to be himself, and she has to pretend to be an airhead. Yay. Inoth has been working on getting closer to Eltrinia, but circumstances and the dragon senator have been very effective at keeping them apart. When he volunteered to be her partner, there were a few snickers, but no one knew Eltrinia like he did. There was no doubt about it, he had gotten the pick of the trainees. She had skills that even he didn’t know about, but he was willing to learn.
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    (Book 8 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Alone in a world that wants her blood, she seeks out friends who embrace her and a new home where she can grow and evolve.
    Read MoreZzara has been learning magic forbidden to dragons. When the mage guild catches on to what her tutor has been showing her, they are both in trouble. Helping a dragon to learn magic is a high crime. If the dragon wasn’t the child of Magus Warrok, the dragon wasn’t allowed spellwork. Zzara has few choices. Either she can remain in her friend’s home and put her in danger, or she can leave with the knowledge she already has mastered. It is a choice that forces her to make decisions she wanted to leave for another year. Emory guards the blood dragon. He has been waiting for this moment for years. The moment the call came out for guards, he got clearance from the elders and made his way to the capital. The blood dragon was shorter than he had imagined, but she had an intelligence and a will that never failed to surprise him. He had to remain on his toes when she was around, and keeping an air of mystery was his first line of defense.
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    (Book 3 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Her aunt is her roommate, assassins are closing in, and she still needs a dress for the dragon ball. Buckle up.
    Read MoreAfter finding out where she actually came from, Trin is now trying to hide from the family who wants her genes for analysis and who wants her aunt Meadra back. Hiding in Breaker City works for a while, but when kidnappers and assassins threaten those who have tried to keep them safe, Trin decides that a return to the capitol is what she needs. She knows where everything is and how to defend herself in the place she grew up. Hiding with friends is far superior to hiding alone. Apraxa is back from the sea kingdom, and she has no inclination to return for the present. Her mother is abusive, and her fiancé is a bit of a jerk. She joins their merry band and heads out with them to the dragon ball. If she can’t get over her fiancé, perhaps there is another dragon who would do as well. Meadra needs a mate for security, Apraxa needs one to spite her fiancé, and Trin is going to destroy any dragoness who gets near Brommin before she can. That nerd is hers!
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    (Book 9 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb When the winter has almost no sun, monsters wake and torment the locals until a dragon rises in the frost.
    Read MoreKabyl’s family has run a careful supply business, keeping the essentials in stock in order to help her town and the villages around it survive the long, dark winter. Rumors of beasts beyond the standard shifters are beginning to surface, and when regulars don’t show up for their fuel rations, Kabyl has to brave the dark and the cold to find out if natural death has taken her family’s friends or if there is something darker than death in the land of snow. A wellness check turns into a fight for survival, and Kabyl has to dig deep to stay alive. She had no idea she was going to find a dragon. The dragon was just as surprised.
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    (Book 10 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Training to follow in her father’s footsteps goes well until she gets to the training center. Then, it all hits the fan.
    Read MoreKabyl has wanted to take peacekeeper training since she was six. Her dad had always tried to temper her expectations. Women didn’t usually have the physical skills required for the job. She worked hard, got strong, fast, and resilient and then…she turned into a dragon. Everything got a little confused at that point. The application had been sent, received, and accepted. Kabyl had been assigned a trainer by the diamond dragon, and he had been accepted as her partner by the peacekeepers. She isn’t sure what being his partner will entail, but as long as she has a shot at her dreams, he could call himself a forest-running elf if he wanted. Oh, wait, that is what he is. First, they need official training, and then, they can work on keeping the peace.
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    (Book 4 The Bastard Dragon Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Inheritor of a family vendetta, getting revenge on the dragons has side effects that raise a lot of questions.
    Read MoreAll Aeli wanted was revenge for her father. She planned and schemed in secret, finally carrying out a plot that she had designed as a disgruntled teen. She takes the spell to the dragon council and lets the ball go, shattering, spreading the banishment spell, and kicking all the dragons out of the city in one large cascade. Imagine her surprise when she gets sucked out into the open wasteland outside the city, and the dragons know who is responsible for her plight. Councillor Kreelo comes to her rescue and flies her to safety where she comes to grips with what her banishment means and how it will affect her life. She had no idea she was a dragon and thinks it is ridiculous, but how else would the spell grab her. She needs to undo the spell so she can return to normal. If anyone in Rekker City will accept her to spite her fiancé, and Trin is going to destroy any dragoness who gets near Brommin before she can. That nerd is hers!
  • e-Book
    (Book 4 The Omega Next Door Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, .pdb Alita lives for her horses, but she is pursued by a dragon alpha seeking her specifically. She’s an omega, but she’s in rough shape. Can dragon fire turn her from broken to whole?
    Read MoreAlita has been living in agony with damage from a crushing accident with her every minute of every day. She has found a sideline by working with other omegas as the equestrian in some music videos, but when she gets invited to a party for Lexa, she also falls into the arms of Lexa’s brother-in-law, the dragon alpha Nikolai.

    If Alita knew how close the dragon was to the surface, she would have run. He marks her with dragon fire, and she feels a relief from pain as scarred tissue knits and nerves are soothed.

    AWhen he shows up the next day with his beta Alexi, her family is appalled, but she knows that she has one chance at a life with a mate, an alpha and his beta. She gets in the helicopter, and that new life starts. Her life becomes her, her alpha, their beta, and Nikolai’s dragon. Only one of them never says please.

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    (Book 2 Monstrous Ball Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Connecting to the sea is one thing; taking a sea monster police chief as a lover is quite another...
    Read MoreMara doesn’t know why she’s on the ferry to Monster Island, but she knows that a job is waiting. She goes through orientation, meets the local police chief, and is taken to her assignment and residence. She’s going to be a waitress.

    Tyron has spent thousands of years waiting to find a human to act as a mate. When he meets Mara, he senses that she has a lovely spirit with a longing for the water, but that’s it. Arabella identifies her as a likely candidate for Tyron, so he made sure to put her where he could find her at his restaurant.

    On her day off, he gives her an invitation to the ball but being uncharacteristically impatient, he proposes a date before the full moon.

    Can a woman who can’t remember her past consider a future with a monster classified as ancient and terrible? Of course. At least she can see this monster coming. It’s purple.

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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Enticed by the elf king to a ball in his kingdom, Amelia gets magical assistance for her wardrobe and a chance at a new life… after midnight.
    Read MoreAmelia has lived her life serving her family. At her stepmother’s urging, she has been running through the barrier that confines the elf king and stealing from the plants and trees that she can reach. Every time she passes the barrier, she starts a countdown and makes it out of the enchanted forest before the king thunders upon his horse. She listens for the hoofbeats and makes every moment count. Being caught by the elf king was less terrifying than she had imagined. He gave her aid and made her smile before telling her that he was going to be hosting a party... and she was going to attend. The king had been searching for a woman to break the curse he was under, and this young woman with the sad eyes and her penchant for the flora of his forest seemed precisely what he needed. She was definitely what he wanted. With her agreement and a little seduction, she might assist him in escaping midnight.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 7 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb Issa went from ex-stripper to intoxicant with one touch of an alpha. Spending years with her skin hidden, she gets the shock of her life after a wedding when a friend introduces her to a familiar face, and her body goes wild... again.
    Read MoreIssa lived her last few years in shadows, going out with all her skin covered until she attended a friend’s wedding and bumped into the guy who started it all for her. He just wants a hookup, and she doesn’t want to play, so she leaves him and returns home after the wedding. Covered up after a nocturnal grocery run, she finds two men on her porch, and one is her would-be hookup. The alphas agree to court her, and she agrees to let them... with conditions. There is a rough start, an awkward mistake, and a truce before they can begin moving forward to join the magic that binds them. Daynette met her alpha years ago, then attacked the same night. She had no memory of the night but one adorable souvenir. When one of Issa’s mates recognizes the little girl’s distinctive features, he makes a call. Daynette’s world tilts as she ends up looking up into eyes that look exactly like her daughter’s. Oh boy. She really wished she could remember their time together.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Maven tried to help a friend, ended up being diverted by a warlock and familiar. Don’t worry, they only want her for her body.
    Read MoreMaven is a good friend, so when she gets a text for a ride home, she goes to the private party and slips into the manor, looking for her acquaintance. What she finds shocks her into trying to leave, but a warlock and his familiar detain her in the kitchen while the guests are cleared out with memories wiped. The huge cat turns into a charming man, and the warlock is covered in angry shadows. When they look her over, they find something that she didn’t know she had—sex magic. Olmin and Argo are charming, flirtatious, and determined. They have found a source of magical power to light a beacon that they have been working on for hundreds of years, and now, they have a chance with Maven’s cooperation. After being used for their project, she tries to return to a normal life, but a large cat continues to curl up with her in bed, and she was never one to ignore a pair of fluffy ears and silky fur. Her life has just gotten tremendously complicated.
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    Series - Shattered stars (book 9) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She didn’t want to go to Usatho, but her brother needed support. Two years in, her bond was sold, and the Overseer was waiting to take her.
    Read MoreTwo hellish years after the asteroid hit Earth, Mercy and Mender stagger to a pickup point and get taken to the education station. They get medical care, education, and languages. Mender goes through a few queries while Mercy is in medical, and when she is out, he comes to her with the offer. After discussion, they decide that he should take the offer, and he does, but she has to remain with him. It’s his addiction to the contract. Then, they wait. Two years later, her brother is on his way to fulfilling his contract, and his breeding partner decides that she is a drain on resources. He has her hauled to the bond auction with an eye to putting her up for auction before her nephew is born. On a whim, the assessor decides to re-run her compatibility tests due to her physical condition when she arrived, and to his delight, she is now companion-class. The first step is to offer her to the overseer, and he announces that he’s on his way. Mercy serves tea to Overseer Usatho. He looks her over and agrees to offer her a bond contract. She gets to stay on the planet that her twin brother calls home, which is really all that matters.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 10 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb At her sister’s wedding, Olly meets the man who rejected her attempt to explain that she was his beta. Now she has to deal with him changing his mind.
    Read MoreOlly got an invitation from her sister’s groom. She made sure that she was there on the day and watched every ceremony as it happened. Polly was glorious. The only thing that marred the day was that her heat was starting, and the one man who could sense it was there. If she goes through a heat with him, there might be no result, but it would mean she might go a year with her body quiet and calm. The mating is a disaster, but when it is over, she leaves her surprised mate and tries to resume her normal life. Normal was never going to darken her door again.
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Trained in an abbey, she is finally out, married to a vampire, and looking for a fight within a day. Whatever will she do on day two?
    Read MoreTo protect herself and those around her, Ebra has spent the last twelve years at an abbey, training to be a good wife and mother... and assassin, commander, warrior, spy, and interior decorator. It was a full education that helped her manage the syndrome that made her so deadly. Assigned to the man her parents decided to give her to, she trusts her family not to do anything stupid. The offer to cure her is a surprise as there is only one cure. Death. The treatment that is offered is a cloned body without her flawed DNA and transfer of most of her consciousness before they destroy the original body. She would like a second opinion. A convenient attack on the space vessel she is on gives her the chance to escape her fate with minimal bloodshed. Getting caught by the man she proposed to is a bit of a surprise, but she is nothing if not adaptable. Changing from one suitor to the next is easy enough, but is the vampire going to be happy with the lady in his embrace, or will he have second thoughts?
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    File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Abiha must ask the spirit of the first forest to allow her sister’s wedding, and she never expected his conditional answer.
    Read MoreAbiha has been banned from her home in the village of the first forest. Once she left, she must wait for an invitation to return. Finally, her mother needs her to return to gain the permission of the elders for her sister’s wedding to a local young man. Abiha is on the next transport home. She changes into the traditional garb that is all that is ever worn in the village, leaves all her tech behind, and after a security check, she enters the walled forest and inhales the scent of home. Her mother is as cold as she remembers, and her sister is as charming and loving. Once she drops her things at her family’s house, she goes to the temple to greet the spirit of the first forest, formally asks the elders in the village for permission, and hears the forest spirit agreeing to the union on one condition. She has to agree to him. Kiloh has watched the village for generations, watching and waiting for the genes to create someone compatible with his energies. When Abiha returns, his wait is over.
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    (Book 4 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Forced to be a medic at a corrupt arena, Cracker dreams of getting one person on her side, and then, he shows up.
    Read MoreCracker’s life after the explosion was textbook. She only had one broken leg from the blast, but she was sent to the arena at the request of some retired generals, and there, she was altered into a lost leg with a tether running through it. She was delighted when communication with everyone as possible, and even if she had to hide her equipment, she had friends to talk to again. She hid her situation as best she could, but the day that she met the first-gen cyborg, she thought that things might just be turning around.. With a tiny drop of hope in her life, she asked Lucky for programs that would help her out of her situation, and her friend delivered. Cracker was now back in action.
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    (Book 6 Shattered Stars Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Life as a caretaker was her fate. Crashing on an alien world and being given an ultimatum gave her something she didn’t expect, a lover who had her back. She takes a chance and is swept away.
    Read More Nan has spent her life making a place for herself by taking care of those around her. Holding onto the controls of a falling shuttle with the unconscious pilot next to her, she began to regret some of her impulses. After the asteroid, she had gathered up close to two dozen kids who had been touring the same national park that she had, and she had tried to bring them home. When their city was found to be a collapsed crater filled with water, she has to take them on the road and try and keep them alive until she can find a settlement to take them. Eventually, the call came out for the evacuation under the contract circumstances. The kids were exempt from the contract, and as caretaker, so was Nan. That exemption holds until they are on their way to the world Abix. There is a meteor shower, a wounded pilot, and Nan manages to take the controls, leaving a scar on the landscape in a restricted area. She feels bad, but when the overseer of Abix comes in through the shuttle front screen and gives her an ultimatum, she feels nervous and a weird tension. If they make it out of the restricted area in time, everything will just resume the normal plan. There is one thing about the overseer. When he sets a timeline, he cheats. She has no chance.
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    (Book 8 An Obscure Magic Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Linked to a mage she hates, Freddy is willing to trade all the power of the demon zone to get her freedom.
    Read MoreFreddy was born to take the mantle of hellhound, but she wasn’t fond of the idea. Wearing the responsibility to atone for the work of a homicidal ancestor, Freddy is the eleventh generation tied to the victim’s family, and being bonded to a mage halfway around the world is tiring. At a moment’s notice, Freddy can be yanked from an event or her own bed and pulled across the world to act as the mage’s familiar. Her friends want to help, but there is only one way to get her out of the indentured servitude that her family has landed her in. She needs to find a stronger mage to take her on as a familiar. The hard part is finding a stable mage to link to. The weird part is watching her friends auditioning them.
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    (Book 1 Digital Demons Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Working at a game company is just a job, until a cosplay moment opens her eyes to another world beyond her own and exposes her boss for the demon he is.
    Read MoreSerene hasn’t wanted much out of life. A car, a house, a job, and a few friends. That was her list. She ended up with a house that taxed her to the limit, a car that died at work, and a job that paid too little for her to be able to afford a new vehicle. She was thinking about working elsewhere when an urgent request puts her in a situation she wasn’t too fond of. Dressing up as one of the bosses in the game had become part of her job, but she hated doing it in public forums where guys got grabby. A day’s appearance at the convention dressed as the demon queen was an exercise in dodging pinching fingers. The moment she could relax for the display, the crowd went wild. She couldn’t turn to look, but the hand around her wasn’t human, and it pulled her back into what appeared to be the game that she had been seeing all around the office. She wasn’t a gamer. A demon assigns her a few quests, she completes one without trouble. Seducing him is the other. When the demon reveals her boss’s face, she is a lot less hesitant. Waiting for thousands of years for the woman reincarnated with the spirit of his wife has caused a lot of stress for the nameless god. Finding her was one thing, convincing the human soul that she was housed in to agree to let them reunite involved a detailed seduction. It was a good thing he had time to plan.
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    (Book 4 Operation Reindeer Retrieval Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .epub, .lrf, .lit, pdb Teaching the visitors about the holiday stars is fun until a man who burns brighter than the sun enters Vixen’s orbit.
    Read MoreVixen chooses life with astronomy, and she ends up as an educator and a researcher for a tiny observatory struggling to make ends meet. When Vi arrives, she makes an impression and takes over most of the day-to-day operations, which is fine until an elf comes calling. Xander has been sent to bring Vixen home, but he doesn’t know how he will go about convincing her that it is a good idea, until he asks her out and she tells him what she wants. Magic and wonder are the hallmarks of Christmas, and these two have it in spades.
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    Series - Betas in Waiting book 9 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb The claw marks on her back came out of nowhere. Being tackled in a hot spring by a businessman, who is a real ogre when the occasion calls, leads her down a path she didn’t expect.
    Read MorePolly had claw marks appear on her back after a business meeting. She didn’t tell anyone, but in hot spring culture, it became harder to conceal. She made the mistake of turning her back on the alpha with her boss, and the rest was history. She broke his nose, and he proposed. That stunned her enough to consider it, and the courtship began. Her boss kept an eye on her, and Minoru eased her into the idea of marriage. In the process of wedding prep, Polly met a bunch of women who each had a different mark on their back, and they bonded under the weight of being marked for alphas they hadn’t even met by a hand they hadn’t seen. In addition to that, Polly was dealing with threats from her sister’s pack, and after a few kidnapping attempts, her alpha stepped in. Who knew that wedding prep was so complicated.
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    (Book 3 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb Being lucky was all she knew until the man from her past ends up auditing her active status, and she has to choose to run or stay. Run it is.
    Read MoreTirra has had it rough. She started out as a victim, turned into an asset, and ended up as a survivor. Her active life had started in an unorthodox way; her career was the result of years of focus and working for Z-Tech as an executive trainer made it easy for her to transition into designing the training plan for the different escorts of the Blind Date Corporation.

    She spent five years working with the escorts and creating connections with restaurants, hotels, and other venues where dates would take place. As the resort was opened in Aksalla, she was chosen for the position of management when her past arrives to audit her active skills as an analyst. She is shocked by the appearance of the man she used to dread and desire with equal measure.

    Gorith had a party trick that could set any woman off with two points of contact. It had helped him carve out a niche when he was undercover, but when he met the manager of the resort, the echo from his past became a roar for the future. He might be classified as a monster, but he brought the same out in her, and together, they are going to have to fight their way through the dates, protocols, and a family wedding that he wasn’t prepared for.

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    (Book 2 Blind Date Corporation Series) She has something he wants, and it’s embarrassing. Pretending she’s normal loses its appeal in the arms of her own assassin.
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    Series - Blind Date Corporation book 9 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb A bachelorette party brings Drin to the attention of the boss of the nightclub, Hell. Her problem is that he’s a long-standing crush and patron, and he knows it.
    Read MoreDrin has a miserable life. She is constantly scrounging for money, fighting for respect, and hiding her activation. As far as she knows, she is a muse. She gives her targets inspiration and intellect, but her body pays the price. A metabolic active uses their body to power their manifestation, and Drin spends her life hungry as her body burns power to survive in public. She is asked to sing in public to help a bachelorette gain a win in a live singing competition, but she ends up going against the city’s most popular male singer. They sing a duet, and her opponent is so thrilled that he grabs her and kisses her. She drops him with her knee, and the club goes silent. The devil emerges and walks toward her. She sees him coming and is shocked to see her best friend’s brother approaching her, and she’s stunned when he kisses her in front of several hundred partiers. He sweeps her to his lair, and they have a short conversation involving her work for the Blind Date Corporation as his escort. A day later and she’s being arrested for breaking a restraining order. Her best friend’s family has blocked her, but now, she is hauled to lock-up for talking to Vikor. Things can only get better from there, right? When the devil arrives to defend her, her case is won, and her heart is lost.
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    (Book 4 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb She has a crush on her boss and just knows he’s a demon in the sack. She just has to wait until she can find out firsthand.
    Read MoreArcady has worked for Z-Tech long enough to apply to their sister company, the Blind Date Corporation. With a tech-based blindfold, she goes on dates with other actives whose powers are compatible with her own.

    She has had a crush on her boss since the day she met him, but it was only when she started spending a few nights each week with other powered beings that he filed his own application to become one of her dates.

    Their first night is magical, but it ends in disaster that brings them close far more quickly than either imagined.

    Dr. Krizt goes from scientist to lover, but no matter his role, one thing is certain. He wants her body.

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    (Book 5 Blind Date Corporation Series) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb He had been her favourite date, so she arranged for him to be the father of her child... should she have told him?
    Read MoreVallu spent over five years as an escort with the Blind Date Corporation. On her last date, she used her activation to provide her with something she needed... a child. She just didn’t tell him. How likely was it that he would run into her in the real world? He was from an island in the bay; she was from a suburb. If she hadn’t stopped downtown for a hotdog, nothing would have happened.

    Etgar has been searching for Five for four months, and while the management of BDC has been no help, he holds out hope that she will be in his arms again... off-contract. When he catches her scent near a hotdog vendor, he follows the scent to the source. She denies her identity as Five, but her scent doesn’t lie. The bright green eyes are a surprise, as is getting shot in the back by a drive-by assassin.

    Vallu heals him in the vehicle as his bodyguards recover him, and he refuses to leave without her. She focuses on stopping the bleeding and repairing him as the men drive them to safety. Well, safety for Etgar. The island he lives on is his family home, and they own it all. She has just been dropped into his own little kingdom, but she has some conditions to remain with him. It isn’t like she has had four months to plan or anything.

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    (Stand Alone Tales ) File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., epub, lit, pdb When her sister is murdered by a criminal, Zera sets a plan into action to seek revenge on her own terms. She might enlist a little help
    Read More*warning. contains sexual situations that may not be enjoyed by all readers. mf, fmm, ffmm, and a few fetishes* Zera has grown up on a world where actives develop superpowers and are less than fifteen percent of the population. It is expected that actives serve society, but some of them have other ideas. Zera is a master of weapons design, but her active nature is that of a hopper. She can literally jump into someone else’s body and hide inside. Her sister, Susara, is Suit Bait. She projects vulnerability, which attracts the right and wrong type of interest. When Susara’s soul is shattered and she is left to die, Zera sets a series of actions in motion that involve a superhero escort service, patrons who pay extensively for the pleasure of a superhuman partner, and clients with very specific needs. The Blind Date Corporation arranges dates between patrons and the escorts, while the escorts wear a mask that covers their eyes and blurs the memories of the patrons so that no stalker issues arise. The company is flourishing until one of the original patrons from the days before the masks outs Zera as an escort, and the entire plan of revenge for Susa’s death ramps up a notch. Super.
  • e-Book
    Series - Betas in Waiting book 12 File Download Formats: .mobi, .pdf, .prc, .rb, .lrf., lit, epub, pdb Penny’s life just flipped. She’s been fired without cause, found by her stalker, and had to engage a lawyer. And her day is about to get worse.
    Read MorePenny thought life was good until her ex-boyfriend comes into her office with his current girlfriend—her boss—on his arm. When the new girlfriend leaves them alone for a minute, he attacks with alarming brutality, but Penny is the one who loses her job. After a few weeks, she gets a lawyer, who tells her she can call anytime. So, when she survives an attack by her ex, she calls him, and he meets her at the hospital. Jax is an alpha with extras, and his situation is similar to Penny’s. He has one appendage that she is aware of—his five-year-old daughter. Over the course of a week, Penny has to go from nothing to being offered a pack-style living arrangement with Jax, his daughter, and another alpha who also has an aquatic adaptation. If she says no, they will still help but not give up, and if she says yes, she can throw a five-year-old’s birthday party. It’s no contest.
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